New Scheme Launched by Orchard Growth Provides SMEs with an Expert Part-Time Finance Director for Only 12K Per Annum

Orchard Growth Partners, which provides part-time finance directors into growing enterprises, has announced a new entry level finance director package allowing businesses to benefit from strategic financial support during tough times.

London, United Kingdom, May 01, 2009 --( Orchard Growth Partners has launched a new finance director scheme that enables growing businesses to benefit from the expertise of a part-time finance director for only 12,000 pounds per annum. The entry-level package provides the business with their own finance director in their office for one day per month, with additional assistance by telephone and e-mail during the rest of the month. The scheme is designed to give growing SMEs low cost access to high calibre financial expertise, providing a critical financial advice and sounding board for entrepreneurs in these difficult economic times. For more information go to or telephone 0845 3700 303.

Ash Mehta, Chief Executive of Orchard Growth, said; "This new offering is a response to the economic climate in which companies need this service more than ever but up to now have been excluded by the cost. Finance directors always do a great deal to help a business, but when times are tough, their expertise can be absolutely critical. Hiring a finance director is immediately discounted by many SMEs, as FDs are perceived as only being affordable by larger companies. At Orchard Growth Partners, we are passionate about bringing those benefits to smaller businesses, and with the entry level package only costing £12K a year, those advantages are no longer restricted to the bigger business."

When asked about the advantages of having a part-time financial director, Ash replied; "The benefits are manifold. Having a high calibre FD working as a part of the management team in the client's office provides the opportunity to benefit from sound strategic advice and knowledge that only years of being involved in business finance can provide, along with a wealth of experience from the firm's ten finance directors across the country."

"The fact that the FD is part-time is actually an advantage," Ash continued, "as it means they have a different perspective than the business owner, and can look at the businesses strengths and weaknesses holistically without any prejudice or vested interests. Part-time FDs not only provide a fresh perspective, but also have the ability to translate their observations into practical steps that can get the business into the best financial shape possible."

Ash continued; "many SME business owners receive their financial information a month in arrears, and it is often over-detailed meaning they have difficulties making business decisions preemptively. A part-time Finance Director can ensure that the company's finance function is fit for purpose, including ensuring that financial reporting includes non-financial information and metrics which provide a sanity check on the financial information and can act as an early stage warning indicator of issues which may have an impact on the future financial performance of the business. This enables business decisions to be made proactively, rather than reactively, and in today's economic climate that can be the difference between merely surviving or thriving."

About Orchard Growth Partners

Orchard Growth Partners provides companies across the UK with financial director services, whenever and wherever growing businesses need it. Orchard specialises in providing part time and interim FDs for growth businesses, providing top level financial expertise without the usual costs and complications of employing a full time finance director. Orchard Growth's finance directors have both financial and commercial acumen, and are experts in strategic business planning and business growth consulting.

Orchard Growth Partners also provides extensive help to growing businesses that are seeking venture capital funding, or other types of small business fund raising. They have extensive connections with business angel networks and venture capital firms and provide tailored help for growth businesses at all stages of the fund raising process. Their financial director services also assist owners with planning their business exit strategy and also prepare for initial public offerings. Orchard Growth Partners pride themselves upon providing the financial expertise to guide a business owner through the growing pains of business expansion, freeing them to concentrate on running their business.

Orchard Growth Partners Ltd
Ash Mehta
0845 3700 303