Casey Walker's My Million Dollar Movie Dot Com Offically Launches

Montreal, Canada, August 17, 2006 --( Producer/Director and Canadian native, Casey Walker launches - My Million Dollar Movie dot com - to help realize his dream of making a feature film. An original twist on Alex Tew’s brilliant business model for his “Million Dollar Home Page” in which the UK student sold pixels to raise money to go to school, this is the first time that a film is financed by this unique form of fundraising. “Be a part of film history.”

Movies aren’t cheap and aren’t easy to finance. Casey developed this concept of democratic fundraising because of the painstaking and extremely lengthy process of financing films through studios and Government institutions. “I just want to make my movie,” states the young director who just turned 30. “I also want to do it before I’m in my forties!”

"Without the big machine, you can push yourself to tell stories in a way that you normally wouldn't tell them. With that freedom and lack of pressure, innovators are better positioned to take bigger leaps." -Gary Winick, Producer/Director “Pieces of April” & “Charlotte’s Web”

Tew’s “Million Dollar Homepage” raised over a million U.S. Dollars in 5 whirl wind months and Casey intends to achieve the same success with his unique site.

The difference: “” gives the public the opportunity to purchase parts of the film for $10/frame and be privy to the process of making the film. Instead of providing a space for small, still images, “” is a site where the purchase of frames lets people and companies post still images or video sequences for viewers to see. And, like Alex Tew’s pixel page, the buyers can link those frames to their own website for further viewing.

The return: In addition to owning a piece of the film, the buyers will not only receive advertising and website traffic but, in the event that the film turns a profit, they also stand to make a financial return proportional to the number of frames they’ve purchased. And if that wasn’t enough, buyers will also receive a credit of “Associate producer” on the film’s final credit roll. Large Volume buyers could also be eligible for executive producer credit and special privileges.

About The Film: The name of the movie is “Free for All But You.” It’s in the vein of “There’s Something About Mary,” “American Pie” and “Bottle Rocket.” Casey describes the film as “a pop-culture piece and not an obscure auteur film. Not that I don’t like those types of movies, it’s just not what I want to make. It is a light comedy with a solid premise, strong characters, compelling conflict and sharp, witty dialogue.” The script will be kept under lock and key until the financing stages. But when pressed for more detail Casey does, however, tell us what the movie is not about:

• It is not your typical boy meets girl story.
• There are no nude scenes involving animals, S&M, strange machinery or someone’s grandmother in compromising positions
• It is not about a global crisis in which a former government agent, turned alcoholic must face the demons of his past in order to save the world while trying not to fall off the wagon.
• There are no ghosts, monsters or crazy hillbillies who like to wear the skin of their victims to Sunday tea.
• It is not based on historical events and therefore has no frilly costumes.
• He's not against violence in movies, but there is none here.

You may be wondering what is left to put in a movie, but the producers guarantee you there are a whole lot of laughs. Once financing is complete Casey’s blog and video podcast will reveal more about the script as well as keep viewers up to date on the further development, production and distribution of the final film! “Once financing is done I want the site to be a place where I can de-mystify the filmmaking process and explain to people what it takes to make a film.”

The site has only been up and running for a short time but already several individuals and companies have jumped at the opportunity to buy frames and participate in this exciting new venture.

Don’t miss your chance to “Be a part of film history”
The Official Launch Of
My Million Dollar Movie dot com
A Film Funding Adventure with Director Casey Walker
‘Be a part of film history’
Starting August 14th, 2006
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MEDIA CONTACT: Cat*PR - Catherine Fawcett,, 647-895-4310

My Million Dollar Movie
Casey Walker
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