New "This is Me" Kids Keepsake Journal Helps Families Preserve the Early Years

Orange County resident and mother of three Carrie Lundell has released “This is Me,” a kid’s first keepsake journal. “This is Me” goes one step further than scrapbooking and allows young children to make their own mark in preserving childhood memories. Instead of letting mom decide which photos and memories to record, the journal preserves the child’s personality with their own words and drawings.

Orange, CA, August 23, 2009 --( Scrap the Scrapbook, Preserve the Personality

Orange County resident and mother of three Carrie Lundell has released “This is Me,” a kid’s first keepsake journal. “This is Me” goes one step further than scrapbooking and allows young children to make their own mark in preserving childhood memories. Instead of letting mom decide which photos and memories to record, the journal preserves the child’s personality with their own words and drawings.

Perfect for children aged 3 to 8, the “This is Me” journal is designed to capture the year’s memories through their eyes. Filled with creative writing and drawing prompts, the journal has sections titled “All About Me,” “Holidays,” “More Thoughts and Drawings” and “Quotes.” No fancy paper or embellishments are needed, and the journal includes plenty of space for free writing, drawing and photos. It also features a pocket in the back cover to hold important items such as report cards, notes and more.

A few years ago creator Carrie Lundell found she no longer had time to scrapbook, but she had fond memories of creating a journal with her mother as a child. She decided to do the same with her daughter Lucy, but was unsuccessful in finding the “perfect journal.” As a result, she created her own.

“There is no better way to capture a child’s unique personality than through their own words and drawings,” says Lundell. “No matter my age, I have always loved flipping back through those pages to look at myself as a child, and I am thankful for the time my mom spent helping me capture them. Now I have a tool to help my children do the same and I already treasure their journals.”

The “This is Me” journal is sold online at and in retail stores for a suggested retail price of $18. Printed in the USA on acid-free, recycled paper. The journal measures 8 ½” x 8,” contains 96 pages, has black ink throughout, is wire-o-bound so it lays flat, has round corners and a 24 point CIS cover.

Press Contact:

Carrie Lundell

This is Me Publishing
Carrie Lundell