New Bamboo Pillow Promotes a More Restful Sleep for Allergy Sufferers

New product is being praised for its many health benefits as well as for its small environmental footprint.

Champlain, NY, August 29, 2009 --( Sleep Bamboo Inc., a company located in Champlain, New York and established in 2008 has announced the launch of another product in their line of environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic sleep products. The newest addition to their product line is a luxury bamboo pillow with a multitude of health benefits for its users.

Marc Richardson, Marketing Director for Sleep Bamboo explained the motivation behind the production of bamboo pillows, "Many people are unaware of the health benefits of bamboo. Fibers made from 100% bamboo are hypoallergenic so those with allergies sleep much more soundly. The pillows greatly reduce the frequency of allergy sufferers waking up due to itchy, watery eyes and sneezing." Richardson continued, "In addition to being hypoallergenic, customers are delighted at the comfort of the pillow. They are comparable in softness to luxurious goose down pillows. I've had customers purchase one pillow, try it for a few nights and then replace all the pillows in their house with bamboo pillows."

The company also claims that the bamboo pillows promote a more restful sleep because bamboo has thermal properties not seen in standard goose down, or regular cotton pillows. The assertion is that this is due to the fact that bamboo is thermal regulating and the fibers breathe 10 - 20 times better than silk or cotton fibers. The pillow adjusts to the sleeper's body temperature so that they won't overheat in the summer and won't be cold in the winter.

The pillow boasts a 300 thread count and is made from 100% bamboo fibers. Bamboo, known for being self-regenerative, is one of the fastest growing plants in the world. "We feel really good about our product." said Richardson. "We can make these pillows knowing that they are not having any negative effect on the environment. We know that the type of bamboo we are using basically grows right back with little to no effort."

Additional benefits being touted by the company are the antibacterial characteristics of the pillow. Bamboo naturally repels both bacteria and dust mites, further supporting restful sleep for allergy sufferers. Bed bugs are also repelled by bamboo and will not live on a pillow made from 100% bamboo fibers.

Consumers interested in bamboo sleep products and pillows can visit the company's website at

Sleep Bamboo Inc.
Marc Richardson