SyberWorks, Inc.
SyberWorks, Inc.

SyberWorks Announces a New Article Available in its Media Center: “Polio and e-Learning Build vs. Buy Decisions”

Waltham, MA, September 14, 2006 --( SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces a new article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Polio and e-Learning Build vs. Buy Decisions.”

Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, states, “Bob Goldschneider, Director of Business Development here at SyberWorks has some interesting observations about the e-Learning build vs. buy decision. The article dispels some myths prevalent in the e-Learning community around the Learning Management Systems build vs. buy decision.”

Boggs continues, “Bob puts a really unique spin on one of the classic company IT decisions while providing some very useful information about when to buy or build an e-Learning / Learning Management Systems solution.”

The article is located in the SyberWorks Online Media Center at .

About SyberWorks

SyberWorks, Inc. ( is a leader in the custom e-Learning Solutions and Learning Management System industries for Fortune 1000 corporations, higher education, and other industries. Located in Waltham, Massachusetts, the company serves the multi-billion-dollar e-Learning market. Since 1995, SyberWorks has developed and delivered unique and economical solutions to create, manage, measure, and improve e-Learning programs at companies and organizations in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other countries.

SyberWorks, Inc.
Mary Kay Lofurno