New Release of Corporate Wellness Magazine - Issue 2

Issue #2 of the Corporate Wellness Magazine has been released; it can be found on the Corporate Wellness Magazine website. This is the only magazine dedicated strictly to employer health and wellness.

West Palm Beach, FL, September 16, 2009 --( Issue #2 of the Corporate Wellness Magazine has been released; it can be found on the Corporate Wellness Magazine website. This is the only magazine dedicated strictly to employer health and wellness and is also a sponsor of the upcoming Corporate Wellness Conference.

The 2nd issue of the monthly magazine is dedicated exclusively to Corporate Wellness, Health, Wellness and Prevention on the Corporate Wellness Magazine site. To read the whole issue of the magazine, go to

The Corporate Wellness Magazine was created as the main source of information employers, consultants and health insurance agents can learn about corporate wellness and to provide a central point of communication for a emerging multi-billion dollar industry that is extremely underserved and does not get the attention it deserves. Hundreds of companies provide either insurance products or vendor services and solutions in this corporate wellness industry, and yet there is not a single dedicated magazine or conference for this industry. Employers and agents even to this day do not know where to look for quality corporate wellness providers, vendors who provide unique solutions and where to find the best corporate wellness plans.

The Corporate Wellness Magazine promises to provide you the most cutting edge advice and expertise, not by writers who know nothing about the industry, but written by the experts actively involved in the corporate wellness industry who will give you practical advice that you can immediately use, and it will be advice and expertise that will provide you with ROI (a Return on Investment). We guarantee our readers that by reading our Corporate Wellness Magazine each month they will receive an ROI of their time.

For interest in submitting an article, would like to ask a question, submit a response to the editor, or have any questions please feel free to contact the Corporate Wellness Magazine.

Corporate Wellness Magazine
Anna Konger