Physician Compliance Network Provides Expert Chart Review for All Types of Medical Cases

Physician Compliance Network, LLC, a physician owned and operated company, has expanded their core service capabilities to include chart review for medical quality and appropriateness of care for virtually any medical specialty and situation.

Los Angeles, CA, November 12, 2009 --( Physician Compliance Network, LLC, well-known for their innovative "Appropriateness of Cardiovascular Care Program," now offers individual case reviews for virtually any medical specialty and situation.

Founder and CEO Gregory D. Cohen, MD, MPH, FACC, explained that this is a natural step in the company’s evolution. “PCN was established by actively practicing cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons to provide unbiased, quality peer review in order to restore the integrity and effectiveness of the peer review process,” he commented. “This provides a mechanism for improving the quality of patient care, removing the biases associated with the internal peer review process at many hospitals, and to reassure patients that physicians are acting responsibly as guardians of the health and welfare of patients.”

PCN’s mission and guiding principal follows that of the Institute of Medicine, who advocates that patients should receive “the right care, at the right place, at the right time.”

Fortunately, there has been a great deal of time and resources dedicated to developing guidelines for medical care for most procedures, based on scientific evidence. PCN uses these guidelines as a method of evaluating the appropriateness and quality of care provided at any hospital, for any case.

As the cost of healthcare increases it is imperative that physicians demonstrate compliance with accepted guidelines. Not only will patients hold physicians accountable, but payers (insurance companies) and government regulators are also taking on the task of monitoring physicians - often with the goal of recovering money for procedures deemed to be unnecessary.

When a hospital contracts with PCN to perform external, unbiased peer reviews, they achieve two goals: Improving patient care through improved adherence to evidence based guidelines; and demonstrating to the public, payers, and government agencies that they have an effective method of monitoring the quality and appropriateness of the medical care that their institution provides.

PCN offers external peer review of complex and simple cases, by their group of highly trained, board certified, and academically-based physicians; each actively practicing in the review specialty area. They offer case review for most medical and surgical situations, including:

Ear, Nose, Throat
Emergency Medicine
Vascular Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Physical Medicine
Maxillofacial Surgery
Intensive Care
Internal Medicine
General Practice

As the Congressional Report on Peer Review stated in June, 2008, “State laws, under federal mandate if needed, should provide for independent peer review by experts from outside the institution.”

PCN believes that forward-thinking hospitals may avoid intervention by state and federal regulators by proactively implement programs that demonstrate their commitment to quality, fairness, and patient safety.

For more information on Physician Compliance Network, and their external review programs, please call 310-479-0372, or visit the website at:

Physician Compliance Network
Gregory Cohen, MD