“Handy” New Invention Helps Protect Children from Germs

gLovies® Reduces Kids’ Exposure to H1N1 Flu, Other Germs in Public Places.

Huntington, NY, January 11, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Now that it’s flu season, and with H1N1 flu on the rise, many parents are especially concerned about germs in public places, and worry about their children touching germy public toilets, door handles, grocery carts and other surfaces. Now, there’s a smart, easy solution – gLovies® Disposable Sanitary Hand-Covers, invented by a mom of three young children.

gLovies put a protective barrier between kids’ hands and dirty surfaces. They're easy to use, fun to wear, and they can help keep young children safe from germs.

“I’m always trying to protect my kids from germs in public places. When I take my kids, especially my three-year-old, to a public restroom, she inevitably touches the toilet seat and could be picking up a variety of viruses and other germs,” said Josephine Geraci, founder of gLovies. “I thought there’s got to be a better way.”

Josephine’s “handy” invention gLovies, are sanitary disposable gloves that are fully-lined, waterproof and held securely in place with elastic wristbands. gLovies are available at national retailers, including Buy Buy Baby, as well as a variety of independent stores and online at www.mymomknowsbest.com.

"gLovies is a great product with many uses that prevent kids from coming into contact with germs that cause colds, flu, earache, diarrhea and more," said pediatrician Ida G. Giordano, M.D., F.A.A.P.

“We decorated gLovies with cute penguins to capture the kids’ attention and make them more fun to wear,” Josephine added. “The response has been overwhelmingly positive and we’re getting wonderful feedback from both parents and kids.”

Josephine Geraci has always been a problem solver. Her extensive experience includes senior level marketing positions at top financial institutions, including Merrill Lynch. Like many women, Josephine put her career on hold after the birth of her first child. Three kids later, she found herself dismayed by a lack of information and tools needed to protect kids from germs in public places. Josephine began working on a product that would protect children from potentially harmful microorganisms in public places. The idea for "gLovies®" was born, and My Mom Knows Best, Inc. was formed.

gLovies and My Mom Knows Best, Inc. have been featured in major media outlets, including ABC Nightline, Good Morning America and more. Additionally, Josephine Geraci, inventor of the gLovies, has just started her own radio show on Toginet Radio (http://toginet.com/shows/payingitforward), helping other entrepreneurs launch – and expand – their businesses.

For more information or to order gLovies, please visit www.mymomknowsbest.com.

My Mom Knows Best
Josephine Geraci