Small Innovative Project – Launched by Delhi Based Funding Agency

New Delhi based NGO funding agency has invited Expression of Interest under Small Innovative Project (SIP) from all registered voluntary organizations in India.

Delhi, India, February 05, 2010 --( Indo Global Social Service Society (IGSSS), New Delhi based NGO funding agency has invited Expression of Interest under Small Innovative Project (SIP) from all registered voluntary organizations in India.

IGSSS, with the support of Misereor, Germany is responsible for undertaking a significant intervention across India through a project called PEARL (People’s Empowerment for Accessing Rights to Livelihood). Financial assistance for Small Innovative Project (SIP) is one among the major components the project.

SIP is envisaged to bring in innovative initiatives for greater development impact in accessing rights to livelihood. Small innovative project shall be focused on the following thematic areas Right to food, Right to work, Right to Credit and Right to Natural Resources. Special preference on the components like Gender, Human Rights, Social Inclusion, Environment, Land-rights, Social Accountability shall be given to economically and socially backward areas in India.

Any voluntary organization (VO) who is registered under the Societies Registration Act, or the Indian Trust Act or the Religious and Charitable Institutions Registration Act With a valid FCRA account and comply with the requirement of Income-Tax Department (PAN, 12A) can apply for the seed fund.

Established in 1960, IGSSS is a development support organization seeking to reach out to the most marginalized and vulnerable communities of the Indian subcontinent.

“We are looking forward to help young and promising NGOs with seed fund requirement in promoting innovative concepts in development” IGSSS Executive director Dr. Joseph Sebastian said.

The guideline, formats, and the grading criteria are available online and on IGSSS website at

Dr.Joseph Sebastian
Indo-Global Social Service Society
28 Lodhi Road Institutional area
New Delhi - 110 003.
Ph.011-45705041, 24698360