Skin Care Basics Part 4 – Skin Care for Normal Skin Types

Skincare News Magazine shows readers that skin care for normal skin types is important, too.

Sacramento, CA, November 03, 2006 --( Skin care for normal skin types seems obvious but even this skin type has a few skincare methods that need to be kept in mind.’s latest article, “Skincare for Normal Skin” shows readers that this skin type also has a skincare schedule to maintain.

The article educates readers on exactly what would classify someone who has a normal skin type: 

The website Holistic Online describes normal skin as, "[having] an even tone, soft, a smooth texture, no visible pores or blemishes, and no greasy patches or flaky areas. This type of skin has a clear, fine-textured, supple and smooth surface, which is neither greasy nor dry. It glows with an inner health, which stems from good blood circulation and excellent health." 

Despite this seemingly perfect skin type, those who have normal skin shouldn’t think they’re off the hook when it comes to maintaining their skin’s health: 

Well for those of you filled with "inner health," there are still some skincare tips for you to follow if you want your skin care to be the best that it can be! Just because your skin is low maintenance doesn't mean that you should ignore it. Neglecting your skin care can lead to earlier signs of aging and wrinkling. 

The only real base skincare that normal skin requires is washing with a mild cleanser twice daily, such as baby soap and a toner like rose water.

The article points out specific skin care steps that need to be followed when dealing with normal skin: 

Avoid direct heat on your face such as blow dryers or heaters that are around you during these winter months. Be cautious against the drying, aging effects of the sun by applying a light SPF every day, or by using products that contain sunscreen. Even if your skin is normal, you still have to give it regular care. Your skin, like any other skin type, is constantly assaulted by free radicals. Free radicles are molecules formed in the skin when it is exposed to the environment, pollution, or sunlight. 

According to skin care expert, Daisy Fields, she wanted to contribute an article to the mini series started by Stephanie Brown. “I loved the series Stephanie started and I noticed she hadn’t done an article about normal skin. I asked her if I could do an article on normal skin, and she loved the idea so I went ahead and did it. I knew normal skin types shouldn’t be left out just because they’re low maintenance. Maintenance is still needed no matter what kind of skin you have.” covers all skincare and beauty topics from head to toe. Check out these latest articles that also mention ethnicity and skincare:

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About -- Your Source for Intelligent Skin Care is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty related issues. is located in Sacramento, California but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit

Bobby Lyons