Skin Care Goes Coed: How Skincare Regimens Can Help College Students

Skincare News Magazine educates readers how maintaining a daily skin care routine can help while achieving higher learning.

Sacramento, CA, November 09, 2006 --( Skin care doesn’t only need to be limited to home. When college students leave for school, many things are left behind, including good skincare habits.’s latest article, “College Skin Care: How to Keep Your Skin Looking Good While Hitting the Books!” makes sure that college-bound students know how important taking care of their skin is during these years.

Getting away from your parents may actually do your skincare good, according to the article: 

Many times young adults get their skincare routines from their parents, many of whom still follow ancient practices. This can result in bad skin care habits following students from home to school…Fellas, if your dad is still stuck in the time of Old Spice, you may want to reconsider tweaking the type of skin care facial products you have packed in your bag. There are numerous lines of men's skincare that go way beyond what your father deems as necessary for a clean face and body…Ladies, your mother's old vanishing cream needs to be left on her dresser and far away from your face. Find out your skin type and buy skincare and beauty products accordingly. What better excuse to ask your parents for money? 

It may seem hard to juggle college life with a skincare routine, so the article mentions many helpful ways to integrate the two: 

While many of these factors may be easier said than done, it isn't entirely impossible to achieve. If you must stay up late to study, young ladies can indulge in a soothing homemade facial while reviewing, which allows them to pamper their skin while making the grade. For both guys and girls, exercise is also another great way to deal with stress or other unhealthy factors. Guys, shoot a few rounds of hoops in between or after classes to get your energy up and then wind down with a warm shower. If you're worried about the effect late night studying sessions will have on your face, use a good quality eye cream to control puffiness or dark circles.

Taking care of your personal hygiene is also another huge factor that shouldn’t be ignored while in college:

If you're staying in a dorm, everything is public property...including germs. Public showers, toilets and eating facilities are a health hazard for any college student so protect yourself. advocates practicing good hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands frequently after eating, using the bathroom or touching public items, such as communal keyboards. Carry hand sanitizer with you at all times for emergency cleaning. Wear flip-flops while in the public showers and make sure to keep all your bath items together in a place where they won't come into contact with anyone else's things.

According to skin care expert, Denise Carter, too many college students stress themselves into having bad skin. “It’s not impossible to have great skin and be in the hectic college life. The best way to make sure you look your best up until graduation is to sneak little skin care steps into your everyday routine. It’s one of the easiest things a student in college can do for themselves.” covers all skincare and beauty topics from head to toe. Check out these latest articles that also mention ethnicity and skincare:

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About -- Your Source for Intelligent Skin Care is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty related issues. is located in Sacramento, California but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit

Bobby Lyons