Skin Care and Menopause - Part 1: How to Deal with Menopause while Maintaining a Good Skincare Routine

Skincare News Magazine sheds light on the skin care troubles faced by women going through menopause.

Sacramento, CA, November 14, 2006 --( Skin care for women going through menopause doesn’t have to be a skincare nightmare.’s latest article, “Skin Care Alert: Menopause 911!” let’s readers know that this stage in life doesn’t have to be traumatic.

Menopause has been such a taboo subject for so long, but that is changing as more and more women are learning about their bodies and how menopause has an impact on how they live: 

According to, menopause (or more specifically, the drop in estrogen) affects every organ system of the body including the skin. Furthermore stating: "estrogen receptors are most abundant around the genital area, face and lower limbs. Therefore these areas are especially vulnerable to reduced amounts of circulating estrogen and are the reason for certain skin conditions involving these areas to be more common in peri- and post-menopausal women than in women of other age groups." 

This change in the body isn’t only significant in terms of how a woman should deal with menopause, it’s also significant to their skin care: 

There are a number of skincare products designed to target the changes that happens to the skin during prerimenopause (premenopause). According to Jan Marini Skin Research, "Skin changes occur during this time due to the gradual drop in estrogen production."

Many women going through menopause or are in the peri-menopausal stage, are under the assumption that their skincare routine has to change drastically to accommodate the menopausal change in their bodies. The article puts this fear to rest:

If you're wondering how you can maintain a good skincare regimen in addition to these "menopause specific" products, it's really quite simple. Just because you’re in a different stage of your life, body and health-wise, this doesn't necessarily mean you have to completely change your skincare. suggests maintaining a daily skin care routine that involves the liberal use of sunscreen or sun block, treating your skin with skincare products that cater to your skin type and using skin care items loaded with antioxidants.

According to skin care expert, Chrissy Bright, women shouldn’t shy away from talking about menopause. “There is a lot of hesitation about talking about menopause. Like PMS, it’s a topic that’s filled with jokes and other immature notions. But there is a serious side to menopause and women should be educated about how to take care of themselves so that this stage of their life isn’t an embarrassing one.” covers all skincare and beauty topics from head to toe. Check out these latest articles that also mention ethnicity and skincare:

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About -- Your Source for Intelligent Skin Care is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty related issues. is located in Sacramento, California but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit

Bobby Lyons