New Photos and Videos Sharing on Social Networks and Blogs with EzUbi

Most Social networks and Blogs users have accounts in various services. Managing photos and videos posting on all of them is a hard task. With this new feature, EzUbi users are able to centralize and manage the publication of their photos and videos on social networks and blogs. They can at any time from EzUbi post and delete the access to their photos and videos in social networks and blogs.

Chatou, France, June 17, 2010 --( EzUbi, the online Personal Media center for Internet mobile devices and PCs, enhance the centralized publication of photos and videos on social networks and blogs.

This feature is key for EzUbi users that are centralizing and managing the publication of their photos and videos on social networks and blogs. They can at any time from EzUbi post and delete the access to their photos and videos in social networks and blogs.

EzUbi is a multimedia sharing and streaming service (photos, Music, Videos, Bookmarks, documents). With a secured access, EzUbi offers a storage space that allows users to watch, listen and share multimedia files and others documents on any device connected to the Internet (PC, Mac).

Users upload their files, create slideshows with personalized soundtracks, use the free music and video search and integrate them into their EzUbi library. They can easily create their own communities (family, friends, colleagues) and securely share with them their multimedia library within a password protected space. Guests don't need to subscribe to the service to access the libraries.

About EzUbi.
Created in 2007 in France, the company offer an environment that allows users to manage the access to photos, music, videos, bookmarks and documents of all types in a unique service. EzUbi doesn't need any software to be installed on any web enabled device. The upload of the files and the administration of the Personal Media Center can be done anytime, anywhere from any device connected to the Internet.

Emmanuel Lebot