Essential New Book, ‘Autism Tomorrow’, Features Temple Grandin

16 authors, including Temple Grandin, Stephen Shore, Bill Davis and Karen Simmons, deliver real world advice to help children with autism transition into adulthood.

Longmont, CO, September 04, 2010 --( Autism Tomorrow announces that a unique comprehensive book, "Autism Tomorrow, The Complete Guide to Help Your Child Thrive in the Real World," is now available. The book is a compilation of advice and information from leading experts in autism spectrum disorders including Dr. Temple Grandin, Dr. Stephen Shore, Karen Simmons and Bill Davis. Each author provides valuable insight to help parents, care providers and educators guide children into adulthood.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 1 in 110 children are diagnosed with autism every year. As these children grow, more are beginning higher education and entering the workforce than ever before. They have unique talents to bring to any employer but at the same time have sensory and social skill issues that need understanding. "Autism Tomorrow" addresses issues and concerns to help make the transition from childhood to adulthood.

"'Autism Tomorrow' contains a multitude of information that I have not found in the many other Aspergers/Autism related books I have read," said Ashleigh Crane, mother of a child with autism. "In the first few chapters, I am already better able to understand my beloved son and the role he needs me to play in his life to be the best person he can be."

The book answers critical questions including; "Will my child be able to work?" "How will my child live?" "How do I handle puberty and sexuality?" and "What information is needed for employment and employers?" In addition, readers will learn how to plan for a financially sound future, deal with bullying, address health and fitness issues, improve communication and social skills and many more real-world concerns.

Sixteen best-selling authors and experts are featured in the book including Dr. Temple Grandin, Karen Simmons, Bill Davis, Dr. Stephen Shore, Julie Matthews and more. Copies can be purchased at for an introductory price of $24.95.

About Autism Tomorrow
Autism Today and The Center for AAC & Autism worked together to compile Autism Tomorrow. This comprehensive manual addresses important questions related to life-changing issues including independent living, puberty, education, nutrition, social behaviors, college, fitness and other concerns. Sixteen well-known contributing authors, including Karen L. Simmons, Bill Davis, Dr. Temple Grandin, Julie Matthews, Dr. Stephen Shore and others provide practical advice to transition a child with autism into adulthood. Visit for more information.

Autism Tomorrow Press Contact
Ken Feitz

Autism Tomorrow
Ken Feitz