Foot Solutions of Hamilton Receives Accreditation

Foot Solutions of Hamilton receives highest level of accreditation achievable in the profession of orthotics, prosthetics and pedorthics.

Hamilton, NJ, September 26, 2010 --( Mercer County people who seek expert help with their footwear, including diabetics and others with specific foot, ankle, knee and back issues, can feel comfortable turning to Hamilton Foot Solutions as the facility has been awarded a Three year accreditation in orthotics and pedorthics by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc. (ABC).

Hamilton Foot Solutions, a facility dedicated to helping people achieve better health through their feet, is recognized for achievements in the areas of Organizational Management, Patient Care Standards, Quality Assurance, Supplier Compliance and Facility and Safety Management.

“Hamilton Foot Solutions has demonstrated its commitment to the provision of quality patient care services by seeking and attaining ABC accreditation,” said Catherine Carter, ABC’s Executive Director. “ABC has developed the highest standards for accreditation in the industry and is proud to include Hamilton Foot Solutions among our over 1,400 accredited patient care facilities.”

Hamilton Foot Solutions has been offering pedorthic services including footwear, special footwear, and custom arch supports in the Mercer County area since 2009. Hamilton Foot Solutions see a broad spectrum of age groups and is now proud to also offer Children’s Arch Supports. Hamilton Foot Solutions is also a member of PFA, the Pedorthic Footwear Association.

The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc. has been credentialing practitioners and organizations since 1948 in accordance with established standards of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient care. A not-for-profit organization headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, ABC’s mission is to encourage and promote the highest standards of professionalism in the delivery of orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthics services. ABC advances the competency of practitioners, promotes the quality and effectiveness of orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic care, and maintains the integrity of the profession.

For additional information about Hamilton Foot Solutions, or the ABC, contact Hamilton Foot Solutions at [609-581-3668] or [].

Foot Solutions Hamilton
Laura Roberts
Jill Sharpe