GDP International is a Proud Supporter of the Canadian Cancer Society - The Daffodil Ball

GDP International, Specialist for Success and Executive Matchmaking, attracts success. Denise Pitre, founder, is a proud supporter of the Canadian Cancer Society Annual Fundraising Evening.

Montreal île-des-Soeurs, Canada, January 31, 2011 --( The Daffodil Ball Annual Fundraising Evening, Canada's most exclusive gala will be held in Montreal's historic Windsor Station, with its garden courtyard and white marbled interior. Famed for spectacular decor incorporating 30,000 daffodils.

Thursday, April 28, 2011, at 6:45 p.m.

Windsor Station
, 900 Peel Street 

Montreal, Quebec

The Daffodil Ball is without doubt the "see and be seen" gala of the year.

Denise Pitre claims to believe in everyone’s power to create healing from cancer. Author of a book and CDs on the topic of Creating success Consciously, she suggests that: “Nothing exists without having been conceived in someone’s mind. All things are first born as an idea, a thought. This is how a project initially expresses its intention. It applies to everything, as much to financial freedom, health, love, than to all the limits you inflict upon yourselves.”

In her book about creating, Pitre says: “How can you experience healing if it does not exist in your archives? When you do not have the project (the idea), it cannot be born and be carried out. Inside you, if you did not give birth to the “project” of perfect health, or of the spectacular increase, or the ideal person, or a loving heart, how can you experience it?”

Denise Pitre strongly recommends to everyone to support the Canadian Cancer Society Foundation. The goal of her book and her CDs is to maximize the healing and success process.

GDP International
Denise Pitre
1 514 418 4246