Displays2Go.com Releases Privacy Podium Lecterns

Displays2Go.com is pleased to announce a new line of high walled podium lecterns for front of house stations. These podium lecterns allow users to only disseminate the information necessary.

Bristol, RI, March 02, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Displays2go has recently unveiled a new line of cherry wood finish lectern podiums with high desktop sides. These walls provide additional privacy for users interested in keeping sensitive information from customers.

“This style of lectern podiums can serve as a station for greeters and hosts at the front of restaurants, clubs, or other social events,” says Sandra Reno, Advertising Executive for Displays2Go. “The high walls conceal names on a reservation or guest list, allowing the podium user to scan for names without the customer peering at the same document.”

In addition to the high walls, these lectern podiums have a couple other features that promote privacy. There is a 20” x 4” x 26” drawer and a 26” x 22”x 26” cabinet space. These areas can store objects ranging from menus and brochures to extra food supplies and chairs.

“The podium lecterns are designed to control the information shared with customers,” continues Reno. “The customers see a cherry wood finish and recessed panel design. These podium lecterns put the user in control. Each lectern is 47-1/4” tall and weighs approximately 90 pounds.”

Brian Morgan
401 247 0333