Marriage Education for a Life-Long Commitment

90% of the US population will choose to marry, married men and women are healthier because of healthy relationships, do you want to know their secret?

Dearborn, MI, April 09, 2007 --( Marriage is good for you and knowing how to make your a success is much like going to school, you have to have the knowledge and skill which can be learned by both men and women to get the grade.

Marriage education is what the Marriage Resource Center of Wayne County offers to residents everyday. Here is an opportunity for couples who are planning to marry, newly-married, established couples or crisis couples who can gain insight through workshops and other trainings.

To make the grade couples will learn more realistic expectations, risk factors that you can change, how to listen and how to be heard, being a team and becoming the best partner you can be.

Research shows that married people live longer and have better overall health than singles. So the benefit to those with this knowledge through marriage education is greater commitment, more security, more intimacy, less chance of divorce and more fun!

Contact the Marriage Resource Center, take a marriage strengthening workshop, learn how not to marry unwisely, strengthen your marriage and family with education you can apply today!

Marriage Resource Center of Wayne County
Pamela Hudson