The Ophelia Project Brings Mothers and Daughters Together

Erie, PA, April 14, 2007 --( The Ophelia Project is bringing girls and the special woman in their lives together for a six-week Mother-Daughter Sharing Circle program starting Tuesday, April 17, 2007. Girls in grades five through eight will have a chance to share what is going on in their lives today, bond with a significant female figure and learn about developing healthy peer relationships.

Sharing circles will be held every Tuesday through May 22 from 7 to 8 p.m. at Kingsley United Methodist Church, 913 Cranberry Street. Cost is $5 per couple per day. Interested pairs can attend one or all of the Tuesday programs. Each and every hour spent at the sharing circles, however, is another hour spent promoting positive images for girls, sharing thoughts on topics that may be difficult to approach in everyday conversations and helping girls to feel confident, healthy, respected and nurtured.

Reservations are required and can be made by contacting The Ophelia Project’s Erie office at 456-5437.

The Ophelia Project® is a national nonprofit organization headquartered in Erie, Pa. Recognized as a leader in assessing social conditions and advocating healthy, safe relationships, the organization partners with educational, civic and community leaders to educate and empower kids and adults across North America. Visit or call 888-256-KIDS (5437) to learn more.

The Ophelia Project
Daniel J. Stasiewski