"Ask a Lawyer: Legal Help" Free Android App, Allows You to Ask Free Legal Questions

Kalamazoo, MI, October 02, 2011 --(PR.com)-- AB Small Business Marketing has created the app “Ask a Lawyer: Legal Help” as a free Android App. The app allows people to ask any legal question and receive a free response from professional lawyers. The question can be related to any area of the law.

"With so many mobile apps on the market place people are looking for apps that can fill a need. In this instance people can now receive free legal advice or help and ask any legal question they may have." (Larry Addles) For that reason, AB Small Business Marketing has created a brand new android app.

The app is called “Ask a Lawyer: Legal Help” and allows people to submit any question about any legal subject. Whether its related to criminal justice, family law, or business law a person can ask the question and get a direct response. The question is answered by professional lawyers and the response is given back to the person through their email. The app has had huge initial success seeing over 200 downloads in the first 2 days of being active. The app also currently holds a 5 star rating on the android market place.

The company worked with a local law firm to design the app to help people through the confusing legal process. The law can be hard to understand and a very confusing process to figure out what to do next. With “Ask a Lawyer: Legal Help” people can take some of the uncertainty out of the industry and ask any legal question they may have.

Willis Law made the app with the mindset that sometimes people just have a simple question and should not have to pay extremely large legal fees for a simple answer. It is currently free to download the app, ask a question, and get a response.

People are encouraged to download the app and give it a try for themselves as you never know when you might need a lawyer or legal advice.

You can view the App on the android market place here: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.absmallbusinessmarketing.askalawyer&feature=search_result

For more Information about the company you can visit their website: www.willislawyers.com or you can look into the app development company at: http://www.kzoomarketing.com

Google. Android Market. 9/30/11. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.absmallbusinessmarketing.askalawyer&feature=search_result

AB Small Business Marketing
Mike Allen
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