New Advanced Fall Prevention and Balance Potential to Save Lives and Improve Health Longevity

Fall Prevention and Balance Test to prevent falls and balance problems by assessing weaknesses in one’s balance potential.

New York, NY, December 08, 2011 --( Eminent Osteopath Dr. Tony Tranfield, Director, Beaches Osteopathic Centre, today announced the acquisition of groundbreaking, technologically advanced testing equipment for balance assessment and fall prevention. Called Computerised Dynamic Posturography (CDP). CDP is a safe, non invasive and very accurate way of measuring balance.

Dr Tranfield now offers Fall Prevention and Balance Testing programs, that promise to provide an accurate measurement of one’s balance as well as the likely cause of instability. In addition the "character of one’s postural sway" can be observed and recorded under varying conditions to build a picture of how one responds to varying postural challenges.

Dr Tranfield then builds rehabilitation programs specifically tailored to the patient’s exacting needs and monitors progress using CDP.

“The wonderful thing about our CDP equipment,” says Dr Tranfield, “is that we now have a research validated tool that not only measures balance very quickly and accurately but also measures how effective we are with our treatment. This is very exciting.”

Dr. Tranfield uses a brain-based approach in the practice of musculoskeletal healthcare. His special interest is in the control of movement, posture and balance. According to him, “Anybody can have a balance problem and not know it.”

The test is simple and can figure out how well we integrate the information coming from our senses. The test requires the person to stand on a pressure sensitive plate.

The equipment acquires data of our movement on the plate and compares it to a datebase of norms for our age, height and sex. It can thus give us a "score" to objectively measure our level of stability and whether we are at risk of a fall.

As well as standard balance testing the equipment is versatile enough to test under virtually unlimited conditions, such as different body positions (are you more unstable looking in a particular direction?) This means that patients can be tested under "real world" conditions.

Patients can also be tested using specialised equipment such as a walking frame or a surf board.

This means that testing can also be useful for athletes looking to improve their performance and Dr Tranfield also uses CDP with gymnasts, dancers and surfers.

Dr Tranfield’s program can help with symptoms of instability, disorientation, dizziness, vertigo.

Specific conditions such as cerebellar disease, Meniere’s Disease, mal de debarquement Syndrome, benign positional vertigo and tinnitus may require specialist care but may also respond to appropriate physical care.

Through his osteopathic and functional neurological training Dr Tranfield has developed a specific balance testing and rehabilitation program. With his CDP equipment he is now able to objectively measure balance and how patients are responding to therapy.

Good balance is a feature of good health and good posture, and leads to less back pain, improved circulation, better breathing and better quality of life.

Good balance also improves one’s confidence and gives freedom from the fear of accidental falls.

Balance problems are not usually detected until a person has a fall, sometimes with catastrophic consequences. They may also indicate a serious underlying condition and should always be followed up.

Balance testing saves lives.

The Guideline for the Prevention of Falls in Older Persons produced by the American Geriatrics Society in 2001 recommended that all physicians routinely assess all older persons for the risk of a fall and institute gait and balance therapy.

Testing using CDP is quick, painless and accurate.

Dr Tranfield recommends an annual balance test for anyone over fifty.

Dr. Tranfield has made a huge difference to the lives and health of many people by helping them attain optimal health and discover solutions to their health concerns that they may not find in mainstream health circles.

He is the director of Beaches Osteopathic Centre. His qualifications are D.O. (Osteopath), D.A.C.N.B. (Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board). He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Functional Neurology, a Fellow of the American College of Functional Neurology and a member of the Australian Osteopathic Association.

He maintains his practice in Narrabeen, NSW on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

If you'd like more information about the Fall Prevention test, or to schedule an interview with Dr. Tony Tranfield, please call Mr. Russell Browne at +61 2 8006 1369 or email him at

Beaches Osteopathic Centre
Russell Browne