Carrie Charles Announces Breakthrough 2012 Event

Tampa, FL, January 06, 2012 --( Carrie Charles, a Tampa Florida Business Consultant, and Life Coach, recently announced that she will be presenting to an intimate group 30 professionals in the training room of the Dex Imaging Building at 5109 W Lemon St. in Tampa on January 19th from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM in South Tampa. The presentation, entitled “Breakthrough 2012,” will discuss setting goals, making a plan for your goals and executing the plan for maximum results. More information will be available at both and

"People will frequently talk about how much they dislike goals or resolutions for the New Year, but feel that they ‘have to do it’. My goal with this presentation is to put people at ease in this type of atmosphere by helping them overcome their fears. This way, they can learn to focus on enjoying the moment, connecting with others, and ultimately, growing their life through the path of fulfilled goals. I also discuss tips about this and similar subjects on my Facebook page at," said Design My Life Owner Carrie Charles.

Charles, who originally worked in the financial industry for many years, made the change to becoming a personal life coach when she experienced several life changes, including a divorce and the reality of a cancer diagnosis for one of her children. "I always felt that finance was not my real passion in life, but it took discussing life and spirituality with my clients to really find my path," said Charles. "Once I made the decision to change, it increased my own self-esteem and helped me to see that I can have the life I've always wanted! Now my job is to help others to transform their lives and achieve the highest level of personal and professional success."

Additional information regarding Design My Life, and Carrie Charles, can be located on her websites at and

Design My Life
Carrie Charles