Making New Year's Resolutions Stick - Releases Results of Their Research on Goal Setting and Achievement
Queendom reveals that successful resolutions require the right mental attitude and a willingness to be proactive.
Montreal, Canada, January 13, 2012 --(, a pioneer in online personality, career, and IQ assessments, unveils what it takes to achieve New Year's resolutions and goals. Their study results indicate that those who succeed in keeping them not only think differently, they also have specific goal-setting techniques that make their resolutions more feasible.
After collecting data from nearly 10,000 goal-setters, goal-achievers, and goal-abandoners, Queendom's research reveals that mental attitude, in particular, thinking like a winner, is the key to keeping resolutions. Queendom's results indicate that those who already view themselves as being a success are more likely to believe in themselves and in their abilities, and to have an internal locus of control: they believe that their success is due to their own effort rather than external, uncontrollable forces, such as luck or being at the right place at the right time.
Age too, seems to be a factor, but more in terms of how young people think. When compared to older age groups, respondents below the age of 18 seem to be more proactive when striving to achieve an objective, using techniques such as regularly evaluating the progress of their goal, motivating themselves, and breaking large goals into smaller, achievable steps. Young goal-setters were also more likely to reward themselves after reaching a goal.
When comparing high goal-achievers to low goal-achievers, Queendom's analysis also reveals that:
- Only 10% of high goal-achievers compared to 32% of low goal-achievers will give up on a goal if it isn't progressing as expected.
- Only 13% of high goal-achievers compared to 35% of low goal-achievers will back away from a challenging goal that has a high likelihood of failure.
- 49% of high goal-achievers vs. 26% of low goal-achievers make a detailed list of all the goals they want to achieve, and by when.
- 65% of high goal-achievers vs. 42% of low goal-achievers make it a point to plan out their future.
- 76% of high goal-achievers vs. 39% of low goal-achievers visualize how they will achieve a goal.
- 78% of high goal-achievers vs. 53% of low goal- achievers reward themselves after attaining a goal.
- 79% of high goal-achievers vs. 41% of low goal-achievers will, upon setting a goal or resolution, immediately start to pursue it. They are proactive.
- 81% of high goal-achievers vs. 39% of low goal-achievers will motivate themselves to keep trying when having difficulty reaching a goal.
- 82% of high goal-achievers vs. 65% of low goal-achievers are willing to seek out other people's help when having difficulty reaching a goal.
"It isn't that those who succeed at achieving their resolutions are more skilled or have better privileges and opportunities," explains Dr. Jerabek. "Those who want to accomplish something will 'think' success - they believe in themselves, they refuse to let anything hold them back, and they make concrete plans to get where they want to be. They aren't afraid to take destiny by the hand and say 'This is what I want. What can I do to make this happen?' Those who doubt themselves will protect their ego by setting the bar low or not setting clear goals at all. They may very well have that gung-ho attitude and be the first to join a gym in the new year, but this effort tends to dissipate. They visualize problems rather than success, and this frame of mind affects their thinking patterns, their emotions, and their behavior. It's hard to succeed when you expect failure."
Those who wish to take Queendom's Goal-Setting Skills Test can go to:
About is a subsidiary of PsychTests AIM Inc. is a site that creates an interactive venue for self-exploration with a healthy dose of fun. The site offers a full range of professional-quality, scientifically-validated psychological assessments that empower people to grow and reach their real potential through insightful feedback and detailed, custom-tailored analysis.
About PsychTests AIM Inc:
PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. The company's research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by the Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada.
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., president
PsychTests AIM Inc.
After collecting data from nearly 10,000 goal-setters, goal-achievers, and goal-abandoners, Queendom's research reveals that mental attitude, in particular, thinking like a winner, is the key to keeping resolutions. Queendom's results indicate that those who already view themselves as being a success are more likely to believe in themselves and in their abilities, and to have an internal locus of control: they believe that their success is due to their own effort rather than external, uncontrollable forces, such as luck or being at the right place at the right time.
Age too, seems to be a factor, but more in terms of how young people think. When compared to older age groups, respondents below the age of 18 seem to be more proactive when striving to achieve an objective, using techniques such as regularly evaluating the progress of their goal, motivating themselves, and breaking large goals into smaller, achievable steps. Young goal-setters were also more likely to reward themselves after reaching a goal.
When comparing high goal-achievers to low goal-achievers, Queendom's analysis also reveals that:
- Only 10% of high goal-achievers compared to 32% of low goal-achievers will give up on a goal if it isn't progressing as expected.
- Only 13% of high goal-achievers compared to 35% of low goal-achievers will back away from a challenging goal that has a high likelihood of failure.
- 49% of high goal-achievers vs. 26% of low goal-achievers make a detailed list of all the goals they want to achieve, and by when.
- 65% of high goal-achievers vs. 42% of low goal-achievers make it a point to plan out their future.
- 76% of high goal-achievers vs. 39% of low goal-achievers visualize how they will achieve a goal.
- 78% of high goal-achievers vs. 53% of low goal- achievers reward themselves after attaining a goal.
- 79% of high goal-achievers vs. 41% of low goal-achievers will, upon setting a goal or resolution, immediately start to pursue it. They are proactive.
- 81% of high goal-achievers vs. 39% of low goal-achievers will motivate themselves to keep trying when having difficulty reaching a goal.
- 82% of high goal-achievers vs. 65% of low goal-achievers are willing to seek out other people's help when having difficulty reaching a goal.
"It isn't that those who succeed at achieving their resolutions are more skilled or have better privileges and opportunities," explains Dr. Jerabek. "Those who want to accomplish something will 'think' success - they believe in themselves, they refuse to let anything hold them back, and they make concrete plans to get where they want to be. They aren't afraid to take destiny by the hand and say 'This is what I want. What can I do to make this happen?' Those who doubt themselves will protect their ego by setting the bar low or not setting clear goals at all. They may very well have that gung-ho attitude and be the first to join a gym in the new year, but this effort tends to dissipate. They visualize problems rather than success, and this frame of mind affects their thinking patterns, their emotions, and their behavior. It's hard to succeed when you expect failure."
Those who wish to take Queendom's Goal-Setting Skills Test can go to:
About is a subsidiary of PsychTests AIM Inc. is a site that creates an interactive venue for self-exploration with a healthy dose of fun. The site offers a full range of professional-quality, scientifically-validated psychological assessments that empower people to grow and reach their real potential through insightful feedback and detailed, custom-tailored analysis.
About PsychTests AIM Inc:
PsychTests AIM Inc. originally appeared on the internet scene in 1996. Since its inception, it has become a pre-eminent provider of psychological assessment products and services to human resource personnel, therapists, academics, researchers and a host of other professionals around the world. PsychTests AIM Inc. staff is comprised of a dedicated team of psychologists, test developers, researchers, statisticians, writers, and artificial intelligence experts. The company's research division, Plumeus Inc., is supported in part by the Research and Development Tax Credit awarded by Industry Canada.
Ilona Jerabek, Ph.D., president
PsychTests AIM Inc.
PsychTests AIM Inc.
Ilona Jerabek, PhD
toll-free at 1-888-855-6975
Ilona Jerabek, PhD
toll-free at 1-888-855-6975
