Free in Your Face Mobile Billboard Advertising for Charities

Advertising In Motion announces it’s AIMagine!(sm) program to work with charities and other non-profits. Free advertising space is available for qualifying non-profits that directly benefit crime prevention, children and women related issues in the Heart of Florida.

Ocala, FL, June 02, 2007 --( Undoubtedly you have seen the big blue mobile billboard trucks about town and all the special events, but did you know that AIM is partnering with local non-profits and community based organizations to provide them with a free advertising voice?

“AIMagine! is a play on the word imagine” states Louie Wise III, President of AIM. Wise goes on to say: “Non-profits imagine creative ways to bolster their message and imagine creative ways to positively impact the issues they fight for, we are of the same heart and mind and want to give back to the communities we service.”

AIM will be providing free mobile advertising space to non-profits that can send to AIM how they AIMagine! their message will be of service to the community. “Everything will be based on availability and other simple terms, but we hope to really be a voice to those that make our community a bit better through their positive actions,” says Stephen Krolfifer, VP of Marketing. Krolfifer also states “AIM is in your face, you can’t miss our advertising, that’s what any advertising message needs.” AIM currently works with United Way of Marion County, Crime Stoppers of Marion County, MADD,Interfaith Food Bank and Alachua County Crime Stoppers.

All non-profits are invited to review the exact terms and apply by calling AIM at 1.888.AIM.2003 for an application.

Advertising In Motion (AIM)
Stephen Krolfifer