dotfriends Creates Virtual Dedication to Kony 2012 in Virtual Sudan

In honor of the Kony 2012 viral video which makes known the plight of the Sudanese and Ugandan people, the developers of dotfriends, a virtual world application in Facebook, have opened a virtual viewing and discussion area in virtual Sudan, where the Kony 2012 video will be played seven days a week 24 hours a day.

San Francisco, CA, April 25, 2012 --( “In a virtual world people can escape the horrors of reality. However, we have decided to dedicate this virtual bar in virtual Sudan to remind people of the suffering taking place in Sudan and Uganda. Without taking a political stance we are merely bringing a real piece of the outside world into our world of virtual reality,” stated Elaine Kim, PR strategist for dotfriends.

Kim continued “The Kony 2012 campaign shows how the collective voice of many linked individuals can be heard and make a difference. A social platform which brings together over 800 million people from all walks of life is a mighty powerful force. Our aim is to bring additional awareness to the campaign and assist in the ultimate goals of the cause.

“Invisible Children, the organization behind the Kony 2012, urge businesses and cities to place posters in prominent, high traffic locations. By dedicating the virtual area of the Sudan to this cause, we feel that dotfriends is contributing to the awareness factor of the Kony 2012 campaign.”

The unique link to the Kony 2012 room is accessible here:

Launched in December 2011, dotfriends is a virtual world accessible through a Facebook application. In the forthcoming release, users will be able to create their own virtual environment where they can relax, socialize and play games within their social circle of friends in a customized virtual location.

The application currently enables users to choose their avatar, purchase virtual clothes from a vast virtual clothing store using virtual currency, enter bars and clubs around the world, select videos, buy drinks and chat with virtual friends.

In future releases, hidden actions, new places and an array of unveiled features will keep users returning to the virtual world of dotfriends and continue to grow support for the Knoy 2012 campaign.

About dotfriends
Founded in 2010 by Haveanew Ltd, dotfriends is a virtual world for people to socialize, meet and get to know each other without the social barriers of a real life environment. Currently incorporating bars and nightclubs jotted around a virtual globe, users can create their own places where they can share photos, videos, listen to music, live chat and video chat.
Haveanew Ltd
Elaine Kim