Alex Eckelberry of the TCBL Says: Don't "Downlist" the Manatees

The TCBL believes that manatees are in continued danger from boaters and polluted runoff, and that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission should not "downlist" the manatee.

Clearwater, FL, June 04, 2007 --( Alex Eckelberry, director of the Tampa Bay Conservation League, argues that Manatees should not be “downlisted” by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

In response to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's solicitation for public comment on the draft plan for management of Florida's manatee population, the Tampa Bay Conservation League believes that manatees should not be downlisted at this time due to the increase in the number of boaters and pwc operators.

“Manatees continue to be at risk from both the boating community as well as polluted storm water runoff”, said Alex Eckelberry, director of the Tampa Bay Conservation League. “We support environmental groups such as the Sierra Club in efforts not to downlist the Manatee.”

About the Tampa Bay Conservation League
Founded by Florida technology leader Alex Eckelberry, the Tampa Bay Conservation League is committed to making Tampa Bay a cleaner, healthier environment. To that end, they support a wide range of environmental initiatives locally, at the state level and nationally.

Tampa Bay Conservation League
Alex Eckelberry
727 298 0877