NLAPW Announce 2012-14 Officers

Washington, DC, June 15, 2012 --( The National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW) announced newly elected officers for the 2012-14 terms.

2012-14 NLAPW Officers -
President Dr. Sharyn Bowman Greberman of Silver Spring MD has served on the NLAPW National Board for several years and during 2011, served as national interim President. Using the name Sharyn Bowman for her photography, she is an award-winning photographer who shows her work regularly in Washington, DC Area galleries; and as a writer, frequently publishes nonfiction articles. Dr. Greberman, a public health researcher, holds both Master’s and Doctoral degrees from the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health. Conducting research for many years at the US National Institutes of Health, she was awarded a Fogarty Fellowship to do substance abuse research in Japan. She also carries out medical research for the US Army.

Other elected positions are First VP Treanor Wooten Baring of Houston TX, Second VP Candace Long of Roswell GA, Third VP Rev. Christina Laurie of Falmouth MA, Fourth VP Meletha Everett of Brandon FL, Fifth VP Sandra Gartner of Vermont. To identify remaining officers visit the NLAPW web site,

National League of American Pen Women
Founded in 1897, the NLAPW is a recipient of the Literary Hall of Fame Award in recognition for their contribution to the cultural life of the United States and the George Washington Honor Medal sponsored by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for their collaborative effort to promote an understanding and appreciation of America’s rich heritage and unique freedoms.

Consisting of more than 100 branches located throughout the United States, membership is comprised of three comprehensive classifications: Letters, Art, and Music. For details, visit web site or contact the national headquarters by email at, by phone at 202-785-1997, or by mail at NLAPW, 1300 Seventeenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-1973. Or, follow League activities through facebook group National League of American Pen Women or link to "YouTube" NLAPW,

National League of American Pen Women, Linking Creative Women Since 1897
National League of American Pen Women
Sylvia Hoehns Wright