Shy Housewife Discovers How to Make Friends with Subliminal Messages

Tucson, AZ, July 26, 2012 --( Joanne Hunt recently discovered a secret that allowed her to go from lonely housewife to budding social butterfly in less than a month. The mother of two teenage sons, Joanne is one of 18% of adults in the US struggling with the pain of social anxiety. "Don't get me wrong," says Hunt, "I love my family. I would just get so lonely when Bob was at work and the boys were at school. I wanted to make new friends, but it was never easy for me."

Hunt described her earlier battles with social anxiety at her oldest son's soccer games. "I would watch the other mothers talking at Tim's soccer games. I always wanted to join in, but I would become so nervous and self-conscious that I could never really open up. Even when I managed to build up the courage to introduce myself, I never had anything to say next." Her situation became so bad that Hunt decided to seek help. "It's just really hard to be so shy because I love making new friends and meeting new people, but it's impossible to do that when you can't even break the ice."

While looking for advice on overcoming social phobia, Hunt discovered a website that claimed to help people overcome self-doubt and develop confidence using subliminal messages embedded in hypnotic music. "Of course I was skeptical at first. I mean, can someone really be hypnotized to feel more confident? But I was at the end of the line and willing to try anything short of prescription drugs. I bought one of the personal development subliminal CD’s and decided to give it a shot."

Hunt claims that, in spite of her doubts, she began noticing subtle changes in her moods soon after her first session. Within a week she even found herself feeling and behaving more confidently in social situations. "A few days later, later I remember myself just walking up to a group of mothers at a soccer game and introducing myself. I couldn't believe the words coming out of my own mouth! Is this really me? Am I actually starting a conversation? Opening up and talking suddenly felt natural. My shyness was gone!"

It has been two months since her discovery, and Joanne is quite happy with her new social life. "I owe it all to SpeedZen Subliminal Messages," she claims. To learn more about how subliminal messages can help with personal development, or to try a free sample, you can visit the SpeedZen website at:
John Brown
(520) 261-0534