Learn HQ Launches Activate Systems Suite of Products

Cirencester, United Kingdom, July 05, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Learn HQ, the Cotswold based eLearning specialist, have launched the Activate Systems suite of software solutions created specifically to fit within the HR and Training budgets of SMEs.

The Activate Systems suite includes Activate LMS, a fully-functioning Learning Management System, Activate Performance, a highly specified Performance Management System, and Activate Presenter, for rapid creation of professional presentations.

Managing Director Paul Hurrell commented: “Because of the high costs traditionally associated with Learning Management Systems and Performance Management Systems, they have become the exclusive preserve of large corporate and multinational companies. Activate LMS and Activate Performance offer unparalleled value for money; starting at only £3 per employee, the tools to monitor and develop a workforce become within reach of a much wider range of organisations than was previously thought possible.”

In addition to Activate LMS and Activate Performance, Activate Presenter has also been launched to provide a faster, more controllable alternative to conventional presentation tools. A trial version can be downloaded at their website learnhq.com

Paul continued: “Professional salespeople, for example, can spend hours putting together presentations using tools such as PowerPoint. With Activate Presenter, creating bespoke presentations – that deliver a consistent corporate message right across the organisation – takes a matter of minutes. The time saved allows salespeople to devote more time where it counts; developing opportunities and closing business.”

Learn HQ are currently seeking value-added resellers in the UK and worldwide for the Activate Systems suite of products.

Contact Information

For further information regarding the Activate Systems suite or reseller opportunities, please contact Andrew Heap, Business Development Manager, on 01285 657507 or visit learnhq.com

Learn HQ Ltd
Paul Hurrell
01285 657507