FactoringFast.com Announces a Low Doc Application Along with Electronic Factoring

Beachwood, OH, August 03, 2013 --(PR.com)-- FactoringFast is a provider of electronic invoice discounting and invoice financing to business clients in need of better cash flow and working capital. The company has made invoice factoring much easier, by funding invoices via email, instead of the old fashioned process of overnight mailing of invoices for funding.

Although Factoringfast.com started by factoring via mailed originals they decided to move to paperless funding last year and it has been a huge success for small business owners using the invoice factoring service.

Invoice discounting can be provided by Factoringfast.com to businesses that are not able to get a loan from the bank, that have a growing business but can't keep up with new orders from customers, or that has facilities up for renewal.

Many businesses have benefited from their electronic invoice factoring services. In fact, Business Owner, Gibb Strongs, Storm Trucking Inc, says, "My drivers are on the road 24/7 and don’t have time to be mailing us original freight bills so we can then mail them to a factoring company. The factoringfast.com electronic invoice funding process saves us time and money. We would not ever consider going back to mailing original freight bills to get funded."

The factoringfast.com team has hired an excellent staff who think outside the box to deliver a quality funding service. Owner, Jeff Bross, states, “Everything we do is based on how we can deliver a quality service to our clients. We actually care about wasting our clients time with paper work requirements that really are not needed with today’s technology. No other invoice factoring company has moved to a low doc application along with paperless electronic funding.”

Factoringfast.com is a leading online funding source for small business.

Company Address - 2000 Auburn Road, ste 200, Beachwood, OH 44122
Contact Person - Jeff Bross
Email ID - jbross@businessfinanceapp.com
Phone Number - 216-378-7858
Jeff Bross
2000 Auburn Road, ste 200, Beachwood, OH 44122