ExpoPromoGroup, Ltd. Announced the Results for the Summer Period

ExpoPromoGroup, ltd. keeps updating services for the users.

London, United Kingdom, September 05, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Despite the summer ‘low season’ in expo industry ExpoPromoGroup reports growth of its exhibition database ExpoPromoter.com. By September 1 the system included the information about 13 585 exhibitions, 1662 venues, 3 041 organizers, 97 associations from 113 countries. The number of partner’s web resources reached 220 websites from around the world.

The company updated the database server in order to provide the users with faster access to the information. The ExpoPromoter.com website is now being redesigned according to the users’ feedback and comments – this is made for easier and more comfortable navigation for the visitors and contributors of the information. The main page of the database website now shows the latest updates performed by the registered users.

By the end of September the users will also be available to submit expo-related news and press-releases. Beta-testing of this feature is planned to launch by September 15.

ExpoPromoGroup ltd. is the developer of on-line services for expo, tour and advertising professionals. The company runs such projects as ExpoPromoter, ExpoStart, ExpoAdvert.

ExpoPromogroup, ltd.
Maxim Dragunov
+ 44 20 3073 1067