Awaken Spiritual Center Provides Tips to Help to Feel Spiritually Connected

Awaken Spiritual Center is providing helpful tips to those who are feeling stressed, drained and needing to re-connect with their spirituality.

Elmhurst, NY, November 02, 2013 --( Awaken Spiritual Center is providing helpful tips to those who are feeling emotionally drained and needing to re-connect with their spirituality. Those who are feeling stressed, lost or burnt out from life have the ability to become spiritually awakened if they have the right tools. People are encouraged to try these simple and easy to do ideas next time they feel like they need a spiritual lift.

Awaken Spiritual Center recommends shifting the focus from the negativity in ones life to something positive- even if it is only for a moment. One cannot begin to move forward if they are stuck on something negative that has happened or is currently happening in their lives. People are encouraged to do something they enjoy in order to shift their attention from the issues in their life that are bothering them. Often times, distraction is a great way to self-heal.

Another great tip for becoming spiritually connected and enlightened is to meditate. While meditation is often dismissed, it is an effective tool that can really help someone to become spiritually guided. Meditation can take all kinds of forms. Whether it is taking half an hour out of the day to sit, breathe and reflect, or whether it involves taking a stroll through the park - meditation is a great way to relax and connect with the inner-self. Use proper breathing techniques to fully unwind and enter a trance-like state - even if it is only for a few minutes.

Anyone who is allowing the negativity of others to bring them down needs to break away and disconnect from them. Unfortunately, negativity breeds more negativity. While many wish to help those around them who are having trouble in their lives, sometimes it is important for these people to focus the attention on themselves to ensure they aren't wearing thin. Instead, refer them to other resources that may be able to help these people with their issues.

In addition to disconnecting from negative people, it is equally important to connect with positive people. Those who are surrounded by positivity tend to feel happier and have a better outlook on life. Just as negativity breeds more negativity, positivity breeds more positivity. Awaken Spiritual Center encourages everyone to take a look at the people who are in their lives and try to distinguish between those people who lift us up and those who bring us down.

While these are just a few ways that everyone can use to spiritually uplift themselves, Awaken Spirtual Center provides a variety of other services to help those who are struggling to reconnect with their inner selves.

Awaken Spiritual Center is a safe place where people can go to engage in self-discovery and self-empowerment. They provide spiritual healing as well as life coaching services. Rev. Dr. Mike Evans runs the Awaken Spiritual Center and has over 15 years of life coaching experience. His services can either by delivered in person at their center or by phone. Whether someone is in need of healing prayers, assistance with meditation, guidance or spiritual counseling, they can contact Awaken Spiritual Center for a safe place to get help.

For more information please visit
Awaken Spiritual Center
DrMike Evans
P.O. Box 737901, Elmhurst, NY 11373, USA