Third Global Consumer Money Transfer Conference

London, United Kingdom, September 24, 2007 --( The Third Global Consumer Money Transfer conference has built a successful reputation for being the only event to take an entirely global view on the challenges and opportunities facing the payments sector.

Once again they will bring you leading and influential decision makers with the latest thinking in the payments environment.

With the payments growth now 20% a year - amounting to an estimated US $500 b a year including the informal sector we will be examining trends and opportunities.

The conference will be chaired by Rt Hon. Lord Norman Lamont of Lerwick.
The opening address will be by Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Kitty Ussher, MP

Trends and opportunities will be addressed by Massimo Cirasino, Head of Payments Systems at the World Bank in Washington. Mr Cirasino has built a formidable reputation in taking a broad view on how the payments sector is developing in emerging markets. He has identified their needs and how they can be met commercially. Dilip Ratha, senior economist World Bank will be examinging migratory trends and how they impact on the payments sector. The moderator of the world payments trends will be Henrik Parl, managing director of EuroGiro which links Mr Parl is well placed to guide the discussion. He also sits on a UN Advisory Group on 'Inclusive Financial Services'. He can draw on experience from the EuroGiro's links with 61 connectons be they banks or postoffices in 50 countries.

Says Lady Olga Maitland, ceo, International Association of Money Transfer Networks:"We will be taking a close look on how the remittance market is changing, and where the opportunities lie for the payments sector."

To register contact Kellie Waidson 0207 5311347 or

Third Global Consumer Money Transfer Conference
29th and 30th October

Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane

Kellie Waidson