The Myth Of The Shallow Heart: How Social Networks Effect Real-World Change

Los Angeles, CA, October 27, 2007 --( In an effort to raise breast cancer awareness, poet and humanitarian Jé Maverick has ventured into an area of women's health where most men fail to go, with the launching of a blogging campaign on social networking site, Myspace - aptly titled "Blogging For Boobs".

"The response to the campaign for breast cancer awareness has been tremendous," Mr Maverick states. "Social networking sites are often looked down upon as poor cousins by various sectors of the blogging community, but I have found it to be the most rewarding platform to operate on - if one truly regards blogs as "conversation". Many of the major bloggers around the internet have this week been focused on the Google PageRank alterations, an event that the bloggers on social networks have been blissfully unaware of."

"The hyperlink is the greatest triumph of our era - more so than the machinery and technologies that enable it. And with the acceptance amongst IT business leaders that user-generated content is the wave on which the current internet boom shall ride, for the first time in history the voiceless and the marginalised have been granted with the keys to the kingdom. If you believe the suggestions that the Internet is only in its infancy, the possibilities for the humanitarian, non-profit and philanthropic sectors are thrilling. Social consciousness and social networks are a perfect fit."

In a response to "anti-pink" comments, Mr Maverick suggests that the Anti-Pink movement should politely re-affirm their commitment to the search for a cure.

"The search for a cure can - and should - co-exist with campaigns to eliminate breast cancer in the first instance," he believes. "To suggest otherwise is true baby-with-the-bathwater logic, as well as an insult to the 500,000 women around the world who die of breast cancer each year. Nobody should get left behind."

"Blogging For Boobs" will take place at on Sunday, 28th October, 2007. All proceeds raised will be donated to the International Breast Cancer Research Foundation. For all information on how to submit links, please refer to, or email for details.


Web For Humanity Public Relations
ATT: Jé Maverick

Web For Humanity
Je Maverick