Mosnar Communications, Inc Tells Real Estate Industry to Get a PR Makeover

CR Cataunya Ransom of Mosnar Communications, Inc reveals how public relations skills are primary components to jumpstart the troubled parts of the real estate industry.

Atlanta, GA, October 30, 2007 --( Mosnar Communications, Inc a luxury PR and global marketing firm excited their Chief Marketing Officer CR Cataunya Ransom to release a wakeup call announcement to the troubled parts of the real estate industry. Stressing that public relations skills are top resources to help jumpstart the critical real estate mortgage and housing industries. Expressing that mortgage lenders are spooked by the bad press received from foreclosures and the housing market sales slump.

“The real estate mortgage and housing industries are in need of a PR makeover to help regain sustainability” Stated CR Cataunya Ransom, Chief Marketing Officer of Mosnar Communications, Inc.

According to Ransom the real estate mortgage and housing industries need to start utilizing public relations practices to improve on positive press. Concentrating on effectively implementing PR crisis management campaigns to help jumpstart attitudes that make mortgage lenders want to commit to do loans. Additionally, encourage homebuyers to feel good about making home purchases and increasing home sales. Use this time to reach out to homeowners in foreclosures through media campaigns that offer help solutions to work with mortgage companies to save their homes from foreclosures.

The nation’s largest mortgage lender, Countrywide Financial Corp reported that over the summer they lost 1.2 billion dollars stressing that the amount of money set aside to cover losses from loans gone bad skyrocketed. According to the National Association of Realtors sales of existing US homes fell 8% to 5.04 million in September reported as the biggest year-on-year decline in 16 years.

Public relations commonly known as public image perception allows consumers to learn about public images from media reporting resources. The more articles are published on topics or discussed in the media the more awareness is drawn to the subject matters. Public relations practitioners most often have strong media relations and submit media releases to the press for publications. PR campaigns are often utilized to draw attention and implement change.

CR Cataunya Ransom is the Co-founder of Mosnar Communications, INC. She developed a niche for Luxury PR & Global Marketing. Guiding clients on how to brand, market, and promote luxury products, events, and services. Highly respected as a luxury public relations expert. “CR” consults clients and speaks to audiences about luxury public relations and global marketing practices.

Mosnar Communications,Inc
CR Cataunya Ransom
404 696 4833