Myrrh de Marmion and Creative Divine Studios Launch the First Evolution-Based Teaching Card Deck

Evolutionary Catalyst and artist Myrrh de Marmion launches a cutting-edge card deck that guides individuals through deep inner metamorphosis.

Santa Fe, NM, December 10, 2014 --( Myrrh de Marmion, owner of Creative Divine Studios, unveils InnerVision© - the first card deck ever to work with and teach the proven principles that govern our world.

The InnerVision Life Navigation© card deck is the first of its kind. Through a specially designed layout, the cards create a 3D “map” of an individual’s current life experience, and clearly outline specific steps that are needed to move forward into a more desirable life experience.

Twelve years in the making, the 52-card InnerVision Life Navigation© deck works with symbols and mindsets that create an evolutionary way of seeing and working with life experiences. Drawing from the wisdom of proven principles that govern how we master our world - Quantum Physics, the Divine Laws of Nature – the deck creates a formula for change and helps an individual move into a space of empowerment and positivity.

“This tool bridges Spirit with Science, in that it draws upon the physical and metaphysical principles of energy and matter,” says de Marmion, creator of the deck and owner of Creative Divine Studios. “Our thoughts and beliefs are energy, and essentially form the basis of what we see in our physical experience. This deck teaches how to reframe belief systems and reference points to create a new experience. It creates a ‘storyboard,’ and the opportunity to see and create from a place of unlimited potential.”

Now available through Creative Divine Studios as a limited edition teaching tool, InnerVision© is not intended as a divination or oracle deck. Rather it is a vehicle for inner transformation. “It blends well with many different healing modalities,” says de Marmion. “A core group of twelve individuals are currently taking advanced training with this deck, and several are hypnotherapists and counselors who are using it in their private practices. It paints a clear picture and is invaluable in helping those who are ‘stuck in a rut.’ It also works well with groups, too.”

Creative Divine Studios was created in 2012 as a vehicle for de Marmion’s work with the InnerVision Life Navigation© card deck and the Journey process, as well as her extensive experience as a holistic musician working with sound as a vehicle to inner peace and well-being. Deeply rooted in the study of metaphysics, fringe physics and the healing arts, de Marmion’s practice spans almost fourteen years, and blends her classical training in music, voice and art. The Journey process de Marmion uses with the card deck is purely her own, and, incorporating sound and holistic music, has formed over the years from her work with groups and individuals.

For more information on the InnerVision Life Navigation© card deck and de Marmion’s work, visit
Creative Divine Studios
Myrrh de Marmion