Sportive Marketing Founder Releases Book on How to Get Fans in Stands

The process of marketing events, driving fans to stands, and sustaining revenue growth for a season, just got simpler with the new edition of a guide book published by sports marketing veteran, Margy Lang. The book, "Put Fans in Stands," is available for pre-sale now.

Jacksonville, FL, July 14, 2015 --( Sports marketing veteran and founder of Sportive Sports Marketing, Margy Lang, has for over twenty years been planning and managing events for clients. "Filling a stadium or arena or a conference room is a stressful practice and many people in the event planning and sports marketing world become unnerved and overwhelmed by the pressure to fill the stands. There's a lot riding on a marketer's and an event planner's shoulders," remarked Lang. "I wrote 'Put Fans in Stands' to help event planners be more efficient and effective."

The book features ten essential tactics designed to demystify the marketing planning process so that events and sports properties, leagues, and organizations of any size can fill the stands and drive revenues. The book also offers readers case studies, checklists and tips.

"Its my hope that my colleagues and those entering the very fast-paced sports economy and planning business, use the information as a guidebook of best practices." The book features case studies from professional sports teams as well as road races and non-profit charitable organization fundraisers.

The book is due to be released by September 1, 2015 and is available for pre-sale now at Amazon.
Sportive Sports Marketing, Inc.
Margy Lang