Online Businesses – Feast or Famine?

A Single Mom, a successful toy inventor, and a former IT programmer become successful Online Marketers and make the Who's Who of Internet Marketing.

Atlanta, GA, January 05, 2008 --( What do a single mom, a successful toy inventor, and a former IT programmer have in common? They are all making a very good living with Internet based businesses. Six people were selected to be the first profiled in Who’s Who in Internet Marketing. Each person has taken a slightly different approach but they have all found a way to be recognized by their peers in this rapidly growing marketplace. has recently compiled a list of Who’s Who in Internet Marketing. To make the list these leaders needed to have a good understanding of at least one area of Internet Marketing. They needed to be an expert in that area, by providing quality products, services and advice to other Internet Marketers. Each of these entrepreneurs found opportunities in the rapidly growing marketplace and were able to succeed.

Is Online businesses a fad or a new opportunity? Internet Marketing, Social Networking (MySpace, Facebook, blogging), and online advertising are very new business opportunities, most less than 10 years. According to Debra Aho Williamson as reported on in eMarketer’s Predictions for 2008, US Social Network advertising is expected to increase 70% in 2008 to almost $1.6 Billion and $2.7 Billion by 2011. David Hallerman also reported in the same article that US Online Advertising spending will increase from $21.4 Billion in 2007 to $42 Billion in 2011. This provides huge opportunities for home based and online businesses.

The list of Who’s Who in Internet Marketing at is a collection of information about 6 people that have entrepreneurs that are currently making a living online. Each review starts with a little biography of each person. It talks about a specific area of Internet Marketing that they have mastered and it provides descriptions of products that they have created.

The Who’s Who list reflects people that are dedicated to helping others be successful. They are continuing to work and help others and give them ideas and tools to help them succeed. Many of these folks have only been doing this for a short time. For example, Ken Evoy is a medical Doctor and was a successful toy inventor before his successful website and marketing business. Derek Gehl started in his early 20’s and is now CEO of Internet Marketing Center, a $60 Million a year company.

You can view the entire list at is a website that is dedicated to helping people wanting to do business online, with easy access to quality tools, products, resources and advice.

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Tools for Online Businesses
Bill Stoltz