The Self Help Industry Generates Over $10 Billion in Sales Annually. But is It Really Working? Author David Essel Says We Are Wasting Our Money.

Fort Myers, FL, May 19, 2016 --( According to, the self help industry, which includes books, Cd's and workshops, generates over $10 Billion in sales in the USA every year and every person who spends money on these products expects positive results, right?

But hold on, says Author David Essel. In his newest and 9th book, ""Positive Thinking Will Never Change Your Life… But this book will! The myth of positive thinking, the reality of success" David takes on his own industry and tells us we just might be wasting our money on promises like "If you believe it deeply enough, you can create it." Nonsense.

Author and former national radio and TV host David Essel says that we have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to what it really takes to change our lives. His newest book, "Positive Thinking Will Never Change Your Life… But this book will! The myth of positive thinking, the reality of success" is shaking the cages of many professionals and personal growth hopefuls.

"I knew it had to be different. We had to actually go against some long-held principles like the Law of Attraction, that are not actual laws at all, they are just references to a 'potential' that could happen in life. In other words the Law of Attraction is not absolute. Just because you think about millions of dollars doesn't mean it's coming to you. Just because you think about having a size 4 or size 6 body means nothing in regards to manifesting that into your life. It's absolute hogwash, unless a miracle happens. But don't just take my word for it, in our book not only do we have these 11 experts that share their personal stories, but I go back into time in my radio interviews with some of the top success experts in the world like Dr. Joe Vitale from the famous book 'The Secret', Deepak Chopra, and even the late Wayne Dyer to explain that there's no way you're going to think your way to a great body, your soul mate, or millions of dollars. Unless it's a miracle. Enough of the nonsense," says Essel.

So he decided to do something about it. He contacted six New York Times best-selling author's that he had interviewed previously as a national radio talkshow host, and then found an additional five individuals who created incredible success against all odds and asked them to be a part of this new book.

“Positive Thinking Will Never Change Your Life… But this book will! The myth of positive thinking, the reality of success” is available at, and the author David Essel, is available for radio, print, as well as television interviews.

About David Essel

David Essel,M.S., For 30 years, has been considered one of the leading experts in the field of personal growth.

He is the Author of 9 books, a TV/Radio Host, Master Business, Relationship & Success Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Addiction Recovery Coach and an All Faiths Minister. For more info visit http://www/

Contact: David Essel, M.S.
David Essel
(941) 266-7676