Compassion 4 Anaphylaxis #AskMeWhy Campaign Released to Raise Awareness About Anaphylaxis & Allergies

#AskMeWhy to be used as an educational tool helping others understand life threatening allergies and anaphylaxis.

Atlanta, GA, December 02, 2016 --( The founder of Compassion 4 Anaphylaxis, a volunteer grassroots outreach program announced today the release of the #AskMeWhy (it matters) campaign in an effort to continue raising awareness about life threatening food allergies and anaphylaxis.

As a part of what was scheduled to be an activity for the 2017 Love Remembers Day virtual event, Mz. Word said “In light of recent losses in the food allergic community, many reached out to see how they could help others and also to gain help in coping for themselves. It was best to release the campaign during the holiday season when families can be especially vulnerable being surrounded by larger amounts of food at gatherings. When you simply say ASK ME WHY with a question mark, the goal is to peak curiosity for the average person allowing those affected by life threatening allergies and anaphylaxis to help others understand why education around this topic is key in their quest to remain safe and hopefully save lives.” Word went on to elaborate on the mission of the campaign’s ability to adapt to things going on in the current environment as a way to help others push their own awareness campaigns by showing the support of her organization while giving others an opportunity to show their support as well. The goal is not to take attention away from other causes but instead help increase the attention so people can ask why this matters so much and be educated.

Ms. Word says her annual Love Remembers Day virtual event the last weekend of March 2017 will continue to push the "AskMeWhy" as in why compassion for anaphylaxis matters narrative; however, going forward this will be a continued initiative all year long.
Aleasa Word