The Women’s Education Group Launches Featuring Cutting Edge Information for Women

Boynton Beach, FL, February 08, 2008 --( A women owned business launches a comprehensive, content rich website for women featuring cutting edge information on business, finance, work life trends in corporate America and women in the military. is far from your typical women’s website offering fashion and makeup tips. The site will feature expert opinion and concrete information on the sophisticated issues impacting women in their work and family lives. The website will play host to some important names in real estate investing, business, journalism and the military.

Eileen Tanne, CEO, The Women’s Education Group, LLC is Co-Publisher of Eileen has produced events for women for Chancellor Media radio stations, Clear Channel Communications WALK 97.5, and marketed Ms. Magazine’s Ms. Millennium Conference and special events with Gloria Steinem. She worked with B. Litrell Communications Corp on the programming for the 2004 Office Depot Success Strategies for Businesswomen National Conference which attracted over 1000 businesswomen and is the founder of

Eileen said, “I’m thrilled to be a part of creating an inspiring, educational website for women with groundbreaking content by empowered women such as real estate investment guru Nancy Spivey, Mona Ternus, PhD, RN, Lt Col, USAFR and Emmy Award winning journalist Judy Martin.”

The mission of is to educate, empower and inspire women to achieve their goals by offering information on health, financial, family, entrepreneurial and workplace issues.

The Womens Education Group, LLC
Eileen Tanne