CompTraNet Online SuperStore Offers Unique Shopping Services

CompTraNet IT Consulting expands operation to a E-commerce SuperStore. CompTraNet targets customers with little time or limited mobility options who require access to a diverse type of products, services and a wide budget range. CompTraNet Superstore allows customers to shop in the safety and comfort of their home twenty-four hours, seven days a week.

Atlanta, GA, February 15, 2008 --( Before customers set off to do shopping at the Mall battling traffic congestion, limited parking spaces and long check-out queues, visit the CompTraNet Superstore Online. CompTraNet Superstore Online offers a diverse range of goods and services, and allows customers to shop in the safety and comfort of their home twenty-four hours, seven days a week.

CompTranet, a partner of Ispeedway Broadcast, one of the top 500 fastest growing companies in the United States, targets customers with little time or limited mobility options who require access to a diverse type of goods and a wide budget range. “CompTraNet is a combination of an administrative assistant and personal shopper,” said Kathy Jones, owner and manager of the CompTraNet Superstore Online. “CompTraNet hope this service would be attractive to people who cannot get out shopping, busy people, and people who hate to shop.”

That covers a large proportion of the U.S. population. CompTranet offers an additional service to its customers—free of charge: a “remind me” option that nudges customers 15-30 days in advance of special occasion such as wedding anniversaries, Mothers’ Day, Valentine’s Day and birthdays. “Customers can be reminded by email. CompTraNet also have a mail service for those who are not computer savvy, and CompTraNet has a service number they can call,” said Kathy Jones who has managed CompTranet since 2000. “CompTraNet offer a unique service to their customers. If they cannot find what they are looking for on CompTraNet website, CompTraNet can locate the item at no additional charge.”

CompTraNet Superstore Online goods include cosmetics and fragrances, jewelry, computer accessories, educational products, household goods, and items for all age ranges. “CompTraNet can sell you a cigarette lighter or 32 inch plasma television,” said Kathy Jones with pride. “The prices range from as little as $5 to around $6,000. CompTraNet prices are competitive with market prices.” Kathy Jones, whose company’s slogan is “Every occasion remembered none forgotten” said the idea to start CompTraNet Superstore Online came after constantly hearing complaint about the hassles of going out shopping, or forgetting the special occasion of a loved one, and from people wanting to buy a product, but not knowing its exact specifications. “CompTraNet wanted to offer personalized shopping services to help customers select the perfect gift. CompTraNet also wanted to offer a greater variety of products so that their customers can visit a shopping mall without the inconveniences of physically visiting the mall.”

Kathy Jones, CEO and owner of CompTraNet has a BS degree in Computer Information Systems and a MBA. She has worked in project management and computer operations for over 20 years. CompTraNet mission, said Ms. Jones, is to take gift gifting and internet shopping to another level by offering out of the box service which include providing a safe, reliable 24 hour 7 days a week shopping site. “CompTraNet does this by ensuring that none of their customers’ special occasions are ever forgotten, and the perfect gift is given every time. Not because they make great suggestions but because they know their customers and their special ones very well.”

For information:
Phone: 770-338-0633

CompTraNet, Llc
Kathy R. Jones