Camouflaged: New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) Releases Anti-Military Curriculum for Use in Classrooms Across the Country

New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) is proud to announce the release of Camouflaged: Investigating How the U.S. Military Affects You and Your Community. The curriculum provides tools for educators to help middle and high school-aged students explore the role of the United States military in their lives and in their communities. It is available for purchase at

New York, NY, February 20, 2008 --( On the eve of its 5th year anniversary, the New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) is proud to announce the release of Camouflaged: Investigating How the U.S. Military Affects You and Your Community. The curriculum provides tools for educators to help middle and high school-aged students explore the role of the United States military in their lives and in their communities. Camouflaged provides a critical lens with which to examine the military from a historical and contemporary perspective. It is available for purchase at

Camouflaged emerged from an ongoing collaboration with the independent media organization Paper Tiger Television, which produced Military Myths, a recently updated anti-recruitment video that complements the curriculum. With the Iraq War and the War on Terror waging on despite criticisms from congressional, judicial, and activist leaders, Camouflaged is as timely as ever. The effects of war on education policy have been particularly devastating: under Section 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act, military recruiters have unprecedented access to recruiting young people in and out of schools.

Jonathan Kozol, professor, activist, and author notes that Camouflaged contains, "Brilliant, highly charged materials on the high costs citizens in a democratic nation pay, and the damage the society incurs when an uncontrolled military sector drains the nation's economic resources, propagandizes a population to justify its own often illegal and immoral actions, and recruits the children of the poor as cannon fodder for its future wars. A superb curricular package that is more badly needed now than ever."

Camouflaged is an excellent tool for integrating current events and social justice teaching in any classroom. It is jam packed with resources that can be used in a variety of ways to address the complex and controversial issues of war and military service with students. “This dynamic publication has all the content, concepts, lesson plans, and resources that teachers need to convey to students the ways that militarization and current wars affect them, their families, and their communities,” states Jean Anyon, author of Radical Possibilities: Public Policy, Urban Education, and a New Social Movement. She adds, “It is a powerful and extremely useful document. Appropriate for public school, college, and graduate level teaching.”

Camouflaged was designed to be used in a variety of ways to suit the pedagogical needs of the educator. Jim Murphy, NYC Teacher, Veterans' Activist (Vietnam veteran) and Counter-Recruiter (NY Vets Speak Out) declares, “This is by far the most comprehensive guide that I've seen. You can use this guide in sequence or use parts of it. … Get This Book!”

New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCoRE) is a group of public school educators committed to fighting for social justice in our school system and society at large, by organizing and mobilizing teachers, developing curriculum, and working with community, parent, and student organizations. NYCoRE feels that it is the role of educators as allies to young people to be sure that students have as much information as possible before considering enlisting in the armed forces. Camouflaged is a comprehensive curriculum that helps teachers engage in these complex discussions with their students. The curriculum is for sale online at

Ariana Mangual