exëvo Proud to be the First Global Market Research Firm to Earn ISO 20252 Certification

exëvo, one of the leading Market Research Outsourcing (MRO) firms today announced to be the first global market research firm based in Asia Pacific region to achieve the ISO 20252:2006. It is amongst the handful of market research companies across the globe to have successfully achieved this Certification. With this certification exevo is the only MRO to have all the three quality certifications – ISO 20252:2006, ISO 270001:2005 and ISO 9001:2000.

New Delhi, India, March 29, 2008 --(PR.com)-- exëvo’s international clientele and global experience of research and consulting made it possible to achieve this certification. Accomplishment of ISO 20252:2006 Certification is just one step further in this direction, as Mr. Alok Tayal, CEO of exëvo puts it “ISO 20252 Certification will help us delivering high quality, global integrated and cost effective research to the world fuelling significant lower time to design product and services and its delivery to market or consumer. Credit must be given to our valuable clients who expect us to produce highest quality of research. Our employees are a strong team of achievers and possess the drive to constantly surpass our client's expectations."

ISO 20252:2006 represents the international quality standard for Market, Opinion and Global Research Services. The certificate has been awarded by SAI Global ltd (Ticker SAI) a public listed firm based out of Australia. With expanding business intelligence and market research opportunities, it is essential for research agencies to have the ability to provide accurate and credible services in a professional manner and in accordance with internationally recognized codes of conduct. The Certification assesses measures on quality, cultural environment, integrated management system, and information security. It is this comprehensive process that has enabled only a few companies across the globe to receive this coveted certification.

About ISO 20252:
The new standard ISO 20252 International Market, Opinion and Global Research was published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in May 2006, is specific to the market research industry and covers all stages of a research study, including proposals, questionnaire design, field, data analysis and final presentation of results to clients. Furthermore, it sets the standards for the quality management system as well as for the co-operation between a company and its various clients.

Driven by the global research industry including European Society for Opinion and Market Research (ESOMAR) and Market Research Quality Standards Association (MRQSA), the ISO 20252 provides an internationally recognized framework for market researchers. Cultural, social and behavioral differences between countries make conducting, monitoring and relying upon international research very difficult and the implementation of a management system based on ISO 20252 enables organizations to regulate these challenges and carry out cross-border, multi-country research studies with greater assurance.

About exëvo

exëvo currently services clients across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific ranging from boutique Research and Consulting agencies to the Global top 50 Research firms. It is today one of the leading companies with specialization in IT, Financial, Healthcare, Retail, Telecommunications, and Automobile verticals. With its significant experience and expertise in market research exëvo conduct the research in 90 countries with expertise in 17 international languages. exëvo provides comprehensive survey programming, data collection, data processing, data analytics and business research services to Market Research and consulting organizations globally.

Please visit their website at www.exevo.com or write to them at info@exevo.com to learn more about how they can help your company to achieve higher levels of performance and turn your expenditure into profits.

Alok Tayal