New Fuel System Ready; Hydrogen from Water Fuel Systems for Automobiles

The HydroGo/HydroH2 Fuel Systems will solve global energy crisis by producing fuel at ignition point in all fossil fuel engines. It will reduce cost and there are no emissions.

Oklahoma City, OK, May 21, 2008 --( While President Bush passes the bill to stop transfers of oil and gas to the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, we skeptically wait for the pump prices to temporarily drop, and then what? Even if oil & gas are reasonably priced until December, the next crisis looms in the near future. Reality is fossil fuel will never again be affordable.

The news media has shown us glimpses of research into alternatives, from hydro fuel cells, corn derived ethanol, and gas to water conversion kits. These reports make us curious of what else is out there while we anxiously hope for a permanent solution.

One way out of this dilemma lies within the Atlanta based research and development company, RCW Environmental Innovations LLC. Its’ team of engineers and physicists have been testing new and existing physics theories, and applying its’ findings to alternative energy sources.

Two of the resulting products are the HydroGo System and HydroH2 Fuel. Company spokesperson, Anne Morrison, states, “This revolutionizing invention will impact the world dramatically by improving the environment, the economy, and the quality of life overall. The system produces up to 150 miles/gallon depending on the size of the engine; while the HydroH2 fuel stations supply a power boosting solution for $1.75/gallon or less. Not only is the additive affordable, environmentally safe, and in endless supply, but most of its revenues will go to taxes for roads and bridges.”

With prototypes purring like kittens the company is currently aligning with factories throughout the US for conversion of existing vehicles, negotiating with automobile manufacturers for the assembly of the HydroGo system in all ground transport vehicles, and bringing into line over 5000 distributorships. Initial HydroH2 fuel stations are expected to open in heavily populated cities by this fall, while access to fuel for those in remote areas will temporarily be by courier.

For more information contact Frank Wilson 405-848-3885 or email

RCW Environmental Innovations
Frank Wilson