Clark University and Roger Williams University Join goSwoop

Worcester, MA, May 23, 2008 --( International student Web site goSwoop announces the addition of Clark University and Roger Williams University to its website.

The Web site, which launched in January 2008, targets current and prospective students who would like to study internationally. The goal is to provide these students with advice and input on studying in the United States from a community of experienced international students and educational institutions.

Advertised as the virtual office for international students, the Web site uses the know-how of current international students to help prospective ones. "We believe that the best way for anyone to figure out how to study overseas is by learning from someone who has already gone through the process" said Fayaz Taher, co-Founder of goSwoop

After registering for free, prospective international students can ask their education-related questions to the entire goSwoop community as well as showcase themselves to college recruiters by creating college portfolios. Educational institutions can in turn access the database of prospective international students and develop personal relationships with students they feel would be a good fit for their institution.

Current international students do more than help prospective students from their home countries; they are also increasing the value of their degrees by encouraging prospective international students to study at their institution.

“We want students to believe that even under the most difficult of circumstances there is a way for them to have an international study experience” said Jake Cacciapaglia, co-Founder of goSwoop. “We believe that no matter what the obstacle, there is a person out there who can help students overcome it.”

GoSwoop LLC
Cort Johnson