Platinum Services

Articles, Reviews & Celebrity Interviews

Articles, Reviews & Celebrity Interviews

Service publishes articles, reviews and celebrity interviews on a variety of topics. Much of the content touches on business, marketing, PR or related domains.

Business Directory

Business Directory


Create your company profile and gain massive exposure in search engines and our unique business directory, covering all industries. Promote everything about your business and take advantage of the...

Press Release Distribution

Press Release Distribution


Distribute your press releases through's industry-leading content distribution platform to: thousands of media outlets, journalists, influencers and bloggers; social media; print, TV, radio...

Product & Service Directory

Product & Service Directory


Post your products and services with full descriptions, images and specifications in our Product Directory and Service Directory targeted toward both "business to business" and...

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization


With your business profile, create a powerful, additional online presence and control what people see when they find your business in searches. Increase your search engine visibility by...


Book Manuscript Editing

Book Manuscript Editing

INDIEGO Publishing


Janet Angelo’s Collaborative Editing Process I believe that I am the best book editor for independent authors today. How can I make such a strong claim? I use a proven, unique method that has...

Book Publishing

Book Publishing

INDIEGO Publishing


Complete Book Publishing

Complete Book Publishing

Schiel & Denver Book Publishers


Schiel & Denver offers complete ISBN book publishing, editing, marketing, book design, distribution and printing from just $599. Authors keep all the rights to their work, and profit with 50%...

Diamond Publishing Package

Diamond Publishing Package

Outskirts Press, Inc.


Our Diamond package provides you with 15 book formats and 25 cover options to choose from and provides you with a professionally designed interior layout. World-wide distribution of your unique ISBN...

eBook Publishing - Amazon Kindle, Apple Ipad, Adobe PDF, Palm Reader

eBook Publishing - Amazon Kindle, Apple Ipad, Adobe PDF, Palm Reader

Schiel & Denver Book Publishers


Get your book out in the latest e-Book format with Schiel & Denver's suite of comprehensive electronic book or eBook publishing. We take care of the whole eBook process including formatting for...

Emerald Publishing Package

Emerald Publishing Package

Outskirts Press, Inc.


Our Emerald package provides you with 1 book format (8.5x5.5) and 2 cover options to choose from and provides you with a professionally designed interior layout. System generated sale sheets and...

Frankfurt International Book Fair

Frankfurt International Book Fair

Schiel & Denver Book Publishers


Schiel & Denver is proud to offer representation at this year's Frankfurt Book Fair, which is one of the biggest book and media fairs in the world. With around 7,500 exhibitors from over 110...

International forest industry consulting services

International forest industry consulting services

Wood Resources International LLC


Wood Resources International LLC (WRI), established in 1987, is an internationally recognized forest industry consulting firm that specializes in providing forest products market analysis and wood...

Pearl Full-Color Publishing Package

Pearl Full-Color Publishing Package

Outskirts Press, Inc.


Our Pearl full-color publishing package comes standard with a host of options and services already included, such as professional layout and design of the interior artwork and text, quality laminated...

Print Advertising

Print Advertising

Job Examiner


We offer an excellent Employment / Education related advertising in Arizona.  Ad Sizes and Pricing varies so please go to and click on Ad Rates to see what our costs are for...

Professional Copy-editing

Professional Copy-editing

Schiel & Denver Book Publishers


Schiel & Denver's professional editorial department focus on improving the quality of your book for your readership. From just $0.02 per word, we will provide line by line copy-edting analysis...

Publishing Books

Publishing Books

Hibernian Publishing


Hibernian Publishing, LLC is a unique boutique publishing company. We specialize in developing new and indie writers. Our turning writers into authors one book at a time If you're a writer, you need...

Ruby Publishing Package

Ruby Publishing Package

Outskirts Press, Inc.


Our Ruby package provides you with 9 book formats and 16 cover options to choose from and provides you with a professionally designed interior layout. World-wide distribution of your unique ISBN...

Sapphire Publishing Package

Sapphire Publishing Package

Outskirts Press, Inc.


Our Sapphire package provides you with 3 book formats and 9 cover options to choose from and provides you with a professionally designed interior layout. World-wide distribution of your unique ISBN...

FindCo, LLC


The most comrehensive Online Locksmith Directory on the web. Find locksmiths near you and who specialize in the services you need. Always be careful to check a locksmiths credentials. Visit...

Services 1 - 20 of 20