LeonidesArts New York Gallery Presents "Urban Landscape, Black and White Views of New York" by Terrence Benjamin at The Dish, New York April 28 to Oct 2010

Terrence Benjamin exhibits his images of New York City's Boro of Queens in Black and White Prints.

New York, NY, October 01, 2010 --(PR.com)-- "Urban Landscapes" by Terrence Benjamin shows from Oct 14th to Oct 28th 2010 at the Dish, Upstairs gallery, in Chelsea, New York. Terrence began taking photographs on the streets of Queens, New York. Living in Queens where he was also raised, one lives amongst old industrial buildings and streets, a combination of housing and work factories; areas just stripped down to its most essential form, and the light helps accentuate those forms. Rather than photographing colorful picturesque views, Terrence captures the basic elements and spirit of the borough in beautifully composed black-and-while images so simple, taken for granted like a bridge, dilapidated buildings, industrial sights, street elements; things people take for granted like "life," it all takes on monumental proportions.

Like good photographers/artists, he makes us look more closely on this urban landscape in a different way; its “the craft of making a beautifully executed black and white print”; and in these prints you can see, he has softened the harsh light giving the pictures a certain serenity, a sense that life there existed and still exists. It’s all about the basic elements of mans quest for immortality that is why he builds. That’s what New York is all about, abstract environment that we all inhabit and look at daily. Henri Cartier-Bresson, patriarch of modern photography once said that “Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing”, and Terrence Benjamin has captured with these images of New York, those things that will surely vanish with time. He is represented by LeonidesArts New York Gallery, 484 West 43rd Street, Suite 4B NY, NY 10036.

Juan Kurtzman, Art Critic

LeonidesArts New York Gallery
Leonides Molinar
Juan KurtzMan, Art Critic
Leonides Molinar, Owner/Director