"Goodbye, Emma" Helps Children Relate to Hardships Their Peers, Children Refugees, Face When Fleeing War, Leaving Behind Memories, Toys, Pets...

It is hard to imagine tough choices children refugees face when forced to leave their homes and memories behind. Young protagonist in "Goodbye, Emma" has to decide how many of his favourite toys, books, board games, and family pictures he could fit in his only suitcase. But leaving his beloved pet dog Emma behind is one of the hardest things to do. Struggling with the idea of introducing the topic of refugees to the little ones? "Goodbye, Emma" is the book of choice for 3 to 7 year olds.

"Goodbye, Emma" Helps Children Relate to Hardships Their Peers, Children Refugees, Face When Fleeing War, Leaving Behind Memories, Toys, Pets...
London, United Kingdom, November 25, 2016 --(PR.com)-- It is hard to imagine what tough choices children refugees face when forced to leave their homes and memories behind. Young protagonist in "Goodbye, Emma" book has to decide how many of his favourite toys, books, board games, and family pictures he could fit in his only suitcase. But leaving his beloved pet dog Emma behind is one of the hardest things for him to do. Struggling with the idea of introducing the topic of refugees to the little ones? "Goodbye, Emma" is the book of choice for the 3 to 7 year olds.

"Goodbye, Emma" helps children relate to the hardships, both physical and emotional, of children fleeing war and torture as it tells the story of a child refugee who is forced to leave behind his pet when his family flees the country. "Goodbye, Emma" is based on a true story.

"Goodbye, Emma" is the first book of Clever Fox Press charitable publishing company and it is celebrating its first anniversary from the date of publication. Clever Fox Press was founded in 2015 in response to refugee crisis in many parts of the world (Syria and Ukraine among others). All the proceeds from sales of the books are donated to charities assisting children refugees.

Clever Fox Press thrives on crowdsourcing. Working with writers, artists, translators, IT and marketing professionals around the globe, Clever Fox Press welcomes everyone who is passionate about the cause into the vibrant international family. Clever Fox Press' diverse team representing more than a dozen countries is delighted to hear from anybody who is happy to contribute.
Clever Fox Press Ltd
Julie G. Fox