"I AM THE INDUSTRY " Tour is Coming to Change the Lives of Artists

Norwich, CT, February 21, 2017 --(PR.com)-- Don Diego Entertainment Group has announced that they have joined forces with The ONE Ent. to put together a network showcase tour called "I AM THE INDUSTRY VIP Suite Lyfe Tour." I AM THE INDUSTRY is a networking movement partnered with TalkUvTheTown and consists of an entertainment industry network including artists, DJ's, models, promoters, venue owners, photographers, videographers, managers, etc. The showcase tour will feature the fast rising star out of Scream Team Entertainment, Mizzy Mula and other artist and will hit five great cities including NYC.

“I AM THE INDUSTRY was birthed to help artists get the help they need and attention they deserve at an affordable cost,” said one of the representatives of Don Diego Entertainment Group while talking about the tour. “We have organized this tour so that any service needed in the industry can be taken care within our network,” the rep. added. The tour will start from New York.

Besides the Big Apple, Hartford, Worcester/Webster, Providence and Foxwoods Casino will also experience the I AM THE INDUSTRY tour. Don Diego Entertainment Group is well known for creating an environment in the industry that has brought not only positivity but also new sensations and trends. In addition, the entertainment group has been constantly bringing out new talents and have changed the ongoing trends of the market.

The tour that is more like a movement will reshape the trends of performing arts and entertainment in the country. It will give ultimate opportunities to those who are struggling to climb up the ladder of success in the industry while making sure that everyone gets the recognition and appreciation that they deserve. The opportunities provided to the aspiring stars will be humungous and they will get to mingle with the industry professionals. This will not only help them groom but will also give them a boost in their careers.

Several artist packages are also announced by Don Diego Entertainment Group and I AM THE INDUSTRY. The details can be reached at their website www.talkuvthetow.com or email staff@talkuvthetown.com
Don Diego Entertainment Group
Don Diego